Part 1: Data

In this section, you will explore K2 SmartObjects and how you can define SmartObjects that interact with other systems or that store data internally in K2. Remember that SmartObjects are essentially a "middle layer" that allows consumers of data (such as forms and workflows) to interact with providers of data (such as SQL databases, Active Directory or SharePoint lists, among others).

You will begin by registering a new service instance in the K2 Management site. This service instance will provide the connection string to a SQL Server database. You will then create three SmartObjects from that service instance, which will become the form field values for the regions, customers and products drop-down lists. The next SmartObject will provide connection to Active Directory, which you will use to search for your sales person value. The final two SmartObjects will be SmartBox-based that will house the submitted form content for the customer/invoice details and the items ordered.