Building the Hello World SmartForm

This document contains the step-by-step instructions to build the simple Hello World K2 smartform. If required, please refer to the application design topic for an overview of the SmartForm to understand what the form does.

In Step 1, you will prepare the K2 category system with folders to store your SmartForm's components. Creating folders is not required, but it is recommended because using a logical folder structure will help to keep the SmartForms environment organized. In Step 2, you are introduced to SmartForms by building a simple view that contains some formatting and controls, and executes basic rules. In Step 3, you will build a form to contain your view and in Step 4, you will test your new SmartForm.

If you are using a virtual environment provided by K2, you may log into your environment using the following credentials:
User Name: Denallix\Administrator
Password: K2pass!