Get the full assembly name

This topic describes how to get the full four-part assembly name of your project assembly.

The ActivityAssembly element contains the four-part assembly name of the assembly for the workflow activity, as shown in the following example:

<ActivityAssembly>MyCompany.WorkflowActivities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e5daa473dcec272b</ActivityAssembly>

Get the full four-part assembly name

You can build your assembly and then execute the GetAssemblyName method in the AssemblyName class that is part of the Reflection library to identify the full four-part assembly name.


  1. Right click the solution name in the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio, and select Build.
  2. Find the target directory with the solution DLL. Copy the full path name.
  3. Create a console application in Visual Studio using the Reflection library and using the code below. Paste the path name into the line 10 where the GetAssemblyName method takes the path.
  4. Execute the console application and note the full four-part assembly name.

Short Console Application to get the full four-part assembly name

You can create a tiny console application in Visual Studio using the Reflection library to extract the ull four-part assembly name.


using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace FQNforanAssembly
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)



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