
The Watch view allows you to track important variables and data fields in your botflows. As the value of a variable or data field changes, the Watch view updates to ensure that the value represents the value in the Variable or Data field. For example, if you run a Set Value action on the Test1 variable to change its value from 12345 to Hello World, the Watch view will update the change to the Test1 variable.

If you change a variable or data field value in the Watch view, this change will also be reflected in the Variables and Data views. For example, if you right-click on a variable in the Watch view and you select to clear it, it will also be cleared from the Variables view.

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Add variables to watch

Note: If you delete a variable after adding it to watch, the variable row in the Watch view will be disabled. You can only remove deleted variables from the Watch view; you cannot clear or edit them.

Clear variable values

  1. From the Watch view, right-click on the variable for which you want to clear the value.

  2. Select Clear. The value is cleared from the watched variable.

Edit watched variables

  1. From the Watch view, right-click on the Variable that you want to edit.

  2. Select Edit.

  3. Edit the Value.

  4. Click OK. The changed value is visible in the Watch and Variables views.

Remove watched variables

  1. From the Watch view, right-click on the Variable that you stop watching.

  2. Select Remove from Watch. The variable is no longer watched.

Add data fields to watch

Note: If you delete a Data field after adding it to watch, the Data field row in the Watch view will be disabled. You can only remove deleted data fields from the Watch view; you cannot clear or edit them.

Clear data field values

  1. From the Watch view, right-click on the data field for which you want to clear the value.

  2. Select Clear. The value is cleared from the watched data field.

Edit watched data fields

  1. From the Watch view, right-click on the Data field that you want to edit.

  2. Select Edit.

  3. Edit the Value.

  4. Click OK. The changed value is visible in the Watch and Data views.

Remove watched data fields

  1. From the Watch view, right-click on the Data field that you stop watching.

  2. Select Remove from Watch. The data field is no longer watched.