Import and Export Process Models
Importing and exporting process models allows you to share the process model with other applications, such as Microsoft Visio and other BPMN applications. This allows other stakeholders to be involved in defining or using the process model.
Note: You can move a process model by exporting the process model to a BPMN file and then import that BPMN file in another process.
Use the following steps for importing and exporting BPMN 2.0 models in the Process Modeling add-on.
Import a process model
From the dashboard click Processes > New process > Create a process model.
Select the group to associate with this new process model, and then click the Select button.
Enter the following information for the new process model:
Model owner
Model expert
Background (a description of the model) (optional)
Once the required information has been entered, click Create.
On the process modeling canvas, navigate to the top ribbon and click Import.
On the right hand side of the canvas, the Import Process Model dialog window displays.
In the Import Process Model dialog window, click Select File or drag the file to the dialog window. BPMN files have the .bpmn or .xml file extension. You can also Import Microsoft Visio files into Process Manager.
If selecting a file, locate the BPMN file and click Open to add the file to the Import Process Model dialog window.
Once a BMPN file has been added, click Import.
Edit the process model as needed and click Save.

You can import single-page Visio files into your Process Modeling canvas. The files must be one of the following types:
Process Flow
Once you import a file, you can edit it in your Process Modeling canvas.
Export a process model
From the dashboard click Processes > Process models.
In the Process models screen, click the Process Model you want to export.
Once the Process Model opens, navigate to the top ribbon and click Export.
In the Export menu, click Export to BPMN 2.0 or Export to SVG.
Import and export process models: