Converting existing process variations to shared activity variations
All your existing process variations will be mass converted to shared activity variations in Q4 2022. You can also choose to convert your variations before this time.
Here's how your existing variations will be converted:
The Standard process will become a 'normal' variation. You can choose whether you want to retain or archive this variation.
Activities that share the same title and tasks will be converted to shared activities. If these conditions are not met, they will be independent activities. You can simply drag and drop an activity across variations to make it a shared activity.
There will be a new limit of 20 variations for each process. We will work with you to support conversion if you have more than 20 variations of your processes.
After conversion, the version of your variations will increase by 0.1. The variation will not be published.
Except for the Standard variation becoming visible, there will be no other changes visible to normal users due to the conversion process.

Go to Admin > Variations.
Click Convert varied processes.
Select all your varied processes or select individual processes to be converted.
Click Convert.
The conversion will run in the background and you will receive an email notification on completion.
Note: You cannot convert another process when a conversion is in progress.
The email you receive on completion will contain a report on the conversion status.
For failed conversions, the report will contain an error description. You can either:
Fix the error and attempt to re-convert the process.
Wait until all your variations are mass converted to shared activity variations after the date stated above.
Convert existing process variations to shared activity variations