Discovery Server Installation Configuration File

Configuration of the Discovery Server installation is done by editing the JSON file provided with the installation package, PDServer64BitSetup.exe.json.

To edit the JSON file:

  1. Open the JSON file with a text editor

  2. Enter the value for the relevant parameter between the corresponding double-quotes, for example:

  3. "TENANTS_DB_USER_PASSWORD": "pdpassword1234!",

    The syntax for specifying folder and file locations in JSON uses a double backslash in each location in which Windows syntax would use a single backslash, for example:

    C:\\Program Files\\MariaDB\\

  4. Save the JSON file

The following is a full explanation of Discovery Server JSON configuration file parameters:

Parameter Name



Folder in which the core Discovery Server files will be installed

The format for the location of the install folder is {local drive}:\{InstallFolder}.

  • The InstallFolder should be targeted to a local folder on a drive with more than 500GB of free disk space

  • The InstallFolder can't be the root folder of a drive

  • (for example, C:\ is not allowed)

  • The {InstallFolder} folder name can't include spaces

  • (for example, .C:\Install Folder is not allowed)

  • The InstallFolder folder path cannot be longer than 19 characters (20 if a backslash is added at the end)

Default value:  {Local fixed drive with the most free space}:\Nintex


If set to True, installation will modify the registry of the machine on which the Discovery Server is installed to:

  • enable SSL/TLS 1.2; and

  • disable earlier versions of SSL/TLS and SSL

Must be set to True if you will be deploying SSL/TLS Configuration

Default value:  True


When set to True:

  • If there is no preexisting instance of MariaDB installed on the local machine, the Server installation package will automatically install MariaDB

  • If there is a preexisting instance of MariaDB on the local machine (and the installation package is able to connect to it using the values specified in the DB_ROOT_NAME, DB_ROOT_PASSWORD, DB_PORT, and DB_SERVICE_NAME parameters), the Server installation package will create application database #1 and application database #2 within it

Default value:  True


The database install directory

Default value:  C:\Nintex\MariaDB


Used when LOCAL_MARIA_DB_USE is set to True

The name of the MariaDB Windows service

  • If there is no preexisting instance of MariaDB, the installation package will configure MariaDB to use this service name

  • If there is a preexisting instance of MariaDB, the installation package will attempt to connect to it using this service name (should match the service name configured for this instance)

Default value:  MariaDB


Discovery Server IP address or FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the machine on which the database is installed

  • Do not change the default value if the database is installed on the same machine as the Discovery Server

  • Must be changed from the default value if the database is installed on a remote machine

Default value:  <local machine name>


The network port by which the Discovery Server will access the database

Default value:  3306


The user that accesses the database as a superuser (e.g., for creating database schema, etc.)

Default value:  root


The password used to access the database as a superuser (e.g., for creating database schema, etc.)

  • Must match the root password created during database instance installation

Default value:  Kryon2020!


The user of Discovery Server that accesses the database as a regular user

Default value:  pdbdev


The password used by the Discovery Server to access the database as a regular user

Default value:  Kryon2020!


ID of the default Team

  • If you wish to change the default Team ID, you must do so here (i.e., it cannot be changed post-installation)

  • You can add additional Teams here by separating the Team IDs with commas (e.g.: default,tenant2,tenant3)

  • Team ID: can be 3 to 42 characters - use only lower-case letters and numbers (no spaces or special characters allowed)

  • Additional Teams can also be added at any time after installation. For additional information, see Managing Teams.

Default value:  default


When set to True:

  • If there is no preexisting instance of RABBITMQ installed on the local machine, the Server installation package will automatically it

  • If there is a preexisting instance of RABBITMQ on the local machine, the Server installation package will create the Process Library database and authentication platform database schema within it

Default value:  True


The FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name, i.e., DNS name) of the machine on which RabbitMQ Server will be installed

  • Recommended: Leave empty so that the package will be installed on the local machine

Default value:  localhost


The network port for communication between the Discovery Robots and RabbitMQ Server

  • Recommended: Leave the default value of 5672 when not using TLS, or change to 5671 when using TLS. This will minimize configuration changes required post-installation.

Default value:  5672


Used when LOCAL_RABBITMQ_USE is set to True

  • The installation package creates a regular user account

Default value:  admin


The password used to access RabbitMQ Server

Default value:  Kryon2020!


The internal port for communication between the Discovery Server and the Document Manager

Default value:  50007


The PD Admin (formerly Orchestrator) port

Default value:  8788


The FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name, i.e., DNS name) of the User Management Tool platform application server

  • Recommended: Leave empty so that the application server will be set to local machine

  • If not left empty, should match the value of CX_APPLICATION_SERVER

Default value:


Recommended: Do not change from default value

Default value:  5058


The default password for authadmin user of Keycloak

Default value:  Kryon123!


The user name and password that will be used to access the authentication platform Windows service




The FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name, i.e., DNS name) of the Process Library application server

  • Recommended: Leave empty so that the application server will be set to local machine

  • If not left empty, should match the value of AB_APPLICATION_SERVER


Network ports for used communication between Process Library and its backend APIs

Default value: CX_PORT_AUTH 5002

Default value: CX_PORT_GATEWAY 5001

Default value: CX_PORT_DISCOVERY 5004

Default value: CX_PORT_SETTINGS 5003








Default value: PORT_NGINX 80


if set to True, Notepad++ source code editor is installed

  • If Notepad++ already is installed on the server, a new instance is not installed

Default value:  True