Mailchimp retrieve campaign statistics
Retrieve campaign statistics in Mailchimp.
Note: This is an external action and may execute on servers running outside your data center Centralized locations used to house servers used by Nintex for remote storage, processing, or distribution of data. Nintex has a number of regional data centers available for Nintex for Office 365. For information about Nintex data centers and where your data center is located, contact your Nintex account or territory manager. region. Before implementing, consider performance and regional concerns where digital boundaries are an issue. For more information, see In-tenant and external actions.
Action settings
Do one of the following to open the Action configuration window:
- Double-click the action.
- Click
on the action and then click Configure.
See Action configuration window for more information.
Field | Description |
API Key |
Specify the Mailchimp API Key. ![]()
Campaign ID |
Specify the Campaign ID. Example campaign ID: "c80aa827b4" To locate the campaign ID, go to the Campaigns page in MailChimp and then select View Email from the drop-down list for the campaign. The URL indicates the campaign ID by the prefix string "id=". |
Time zone |
Specify the time zone for all dates related value. Default value: UTC. |
Syntax errors |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of email addresses in the campaign that had syntactical errors. |
Hard bounces |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of email addresses in the campaign that hard bounced. Note: A hard bounce indicates a permanent reason an email cannot be delivered. Example reasons include recipient email does not exist, domain name does not exist, and recipient email server has completely blocked delivery. For more information about soft and hard bounces, see the Mailchimp article "Soft vs. Hard Bounces." |
Soft bounces |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of email addresses in the campaign that soft bounced. Note: A soft bounce indicates a temporary delivery issue to the email. Example reasons include mailbox is full (over quota), recipient email server is down or offline, and email message is too large. For more information about soft and hard bounces, see the Mailchimp article "Soft vs. Hard Bounces." |
Unsubscribes |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of email addresses in the campaign that unsubscribed. |
Abuse reports |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of email addresses in that campaign that reported the campaign as abuse (spam). |
Forwards |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of times the email was forwarded to a friend. |
Forwards opens |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of times a forwarded email was opened. |
Opens |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of times the campaign was opened. |
Last opened date |
Specify a workflow variable to store the date of the last time the email was opened. |
Unique opens |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of people who opened the campaign. |
Clicks |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of times a link in the campaign was clicked. |
Unique clicks |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of unique recipient/click pairs for the campaign. |
Last clicked date |
Specify a workflow variable to store the date of the last time a link in the email was clicked. |
Unique users clicked |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of unique recipients who clicked on a link in the campaign. |
Emails sent |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of email addresses the campaign was sent to. |
Unique likes |
Specify a numeric variable to store the total number of unique Facebook likes. |
Recipient likes |
Specify a numeric variable to store the total number of recipients who liked (Facebook) the campaign. |
Facebook likes |
Specify a numeric variable to store the total number of likes that came from Facebook. |
A/B Split bounces (A) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of bounces for the A group. |
A/B Split bounces (B) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of bounces for the B group. |
A/B Split forwards (A) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of forwards for the A group. |
A/B Split forwards (B) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of forwards for the B group. |
A/B Split abuse reports (A) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of abuse reports for the A group. |
A/B Split abuse reports (B) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of abuse reports for the B group. |
A/B Split unsubscribes (A) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of unsubscribes for the A group. |
A/B Split unsubscribes (B) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of unsubscribes for the B group. |
A/B Split clicks (A) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of clicks for the A group. |
A/B Split clicks (B) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of clicks for the B group. |
A/B Split forwards opens (A) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of opened forwards for the A group. |
A/B Split forwards opens (B) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of opened forwards for the B group. |
A/B Split opens (A) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the total opens for the A group. |
A/B Split opens (B) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the total opens for the B group. |
A/B Split last opened date (A) |
Specify a workflow variable to store the date of the last time the email was opened for the A group. |
A/B Split last opened date (B) |
Specify a workflow variable to store the date of the last time the email was opened for the B group. |
A/B Split unique opens (A) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of unique opens for the A group. |
A/B Split unique opens (B) |
Specify a numeric variable to store the number of unique opens for the B group. |
Timewarp GMT offset |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of GMT offset. |
Timewarp opens |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of opens for each time zone. |
Timewarp last opened date |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of last opened date for each time zone. |
Timewarp unique opens |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of number of unique opens for each time zone. |
Timewarp clicks |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of total clicks for each time zone. |
Timewarp last clicked date |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of last clicked dates for this time zone. |
Timewarp unique clicks |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of unique clicks for this time zone. |
Timewarp bounces |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of total bounces for this time zone. |
Timewarp total |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of total number of members sent to in this time zone. |
Timewarp sent |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of total number of members delivered to in this time zone. |
Timeseries timestamp |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of timestamps for the first 24 hours of the campaign. |
Timeseries emails sent |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of total emails sent during the hour. |
Timeseries unique opens |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of total unique opens during the hour. |
Timeseries recipient clicks |
Specify a collection or dictionary variable to store the list of total recipient clicks during the hour. |
Result XML |
Specify a workflow variable to store the values of the result in XML format. |