Step 4: Review task form

Important: This step is applicable only if the workflow you upgraded has a task form included in a task action.

When you upgrade workflows from Nintex for Office 365 to Nintex Workflow any task forms included in the Assign a task and Start a task process task actions are upgraded as well. After the task forms are upgraded there may be some elements in the form that require updates to configuration. You can view the Form upgrade details report for details and make the changes in the form designer and apply changes to the form.

Important: If any task forms are included in task actions you must open the form and click Apply changes to confirm the form configuration. This is a mandatory step if any task forms are included because all forms in task actions are marked as not configured till you open the form and Apply changes.

View Form upgrade details

  1. On the upgraded workflow, click on the task action to open the action configuration panel.

  2. In the form field, click Edit form.

    The form opens in the forms designer.

  3. On the top right of the toolbar, click Form upgrade details.

  4. Review the form controls and configure the controls that requires configuration. For more information, see Form controls upgrade details.

  5. On the toolbar, click Apply changes to save the changes.

    The task action in the workflow is updated with the new form.

Next step:

Step 5: Publish the workflow in Nintex Workflow