
Important: This connector and its actions have been removed from Nintex Automation Cloud and can now be found in Nintex Gallery.

Recruitee is an applicant tracking system for handling applications for jobs. It includes a careers site editing system for employer branding, a plugin for sourcing, employment website integration, email and calendar synchronization. You can use Recruitee to get candidates, get job offers and talent pools, and make job offers.

The Recruitee connector Service used to define a connection required for associated actions and start events. Examples include Salesforce and Box. Method of integration to cloud services, business applications and content stores. is used to create connections for Recruitee actions A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows.. Use Recruitee actions to retrieve candidates, job offers, candidate pools, and to make a job offer within your workflow. For more information, see Recruitee.

Create a Recruitee connection

Create a connection from the connections page or from the action configuration panel when configuring the action. For information about creating connections and assigning permissions, see Manage connections.

In the Connection window, complete the following fields:

In this field

Select or enter the following

Connection name A name for your new connection
Recruitee company ID Your Recruitee company identity number
API Key The API Token, You can generate your own API Token under Settings > Apps and plugins > Personal API Tokens in Recruitee. You must insert "Bearer " before the key value, for example: Bearer dGVrSXg...

Create a Recruitee data source

Use the Recruitee data source to create a drop-down list of Recruitee candidates, job offers, or talent pools in a form. Each data source is configured for a specific user. You can create as many data sources as you need. For more information on creating a data source and assigning permissions to it, see Data sources.

For example, to allow users to select a specific candidate in a form, add a drop-down list of candidates to the form using a Data lookup control A form control that allows users to select from a drop-down list of values that have been fetched from a third-party service.. The Data lookup control uses a Recruitee - Get candidates data source to list the candidates available from your Recruitee account in the drop-down.

You can create a data source to:

  • Get candidates: List all the candidates in your Recruitee account.
  • Get job offers: List all the job offers in your Recruitee account.
  • Get talent pools: List all the talent pools in your Recruitee account.

Recruitee data source fields

When you create a Recruitee data source, you can configure additional fields to specify which candidates, job offers, or talent pools the data source should retrieve.

To access the data source fields, in the Add data source section, select the Connector and the Operation.

The following operations are available for the Recruitee connector:

  • Recruitee - Get candidates

  • Recruitee - Get job offers

  • Recruitee - Get talent pools

The configuration fields displayed depend on the operation selected.


Field or selection


Recruitee - Get candidates Limit

The number of candidates to retrieve.

  Skip The number of candidates to skip before returning the list.
  Search Filters
  • Created after: Retrieves candidates created after the configured data and time. You must use UTC formatting, such as 2020-12-08T16:02:38.752Z .
  • Disqualified: Retrieves candidates that are tagged as disqualified for at least one job offer.
  • Qualified: Retrieves candidates that are tagged as qualified for at least one job offer.
  • IDs: Retrieves a list of candidates based on their candidate IDs. You must separate each ID using a comma, such as 234221,4211412,535432.
  • Job offer: The job offer identity number.
Recruitee - Get job offers Scope The condition of the job offers to return; active, archived, or not_archived.
Recruitee - Get talent pools Job status The condition of the talent pool job type to return; active, archived, or not_archived.