
Important: This connector and its actions have been removed from Nintex Workflow and can now be found in Nintex Gallery.

The RSpace connector is used to create connections for RSpace actions. Use RSpace actions to import Microsoft Word and OpenOffice documents, add new files, create and retrieve folders, and create notebooks in RSpace.

Create an RSpace connection

Note: Your browser-stored credentials are accessed to create connections. Either clear credentials from browser memory or make sure the stored credentials are for the intended environment.

Create a connection from the connections page or from the action configuration panel when configuring the action. For information about creating connections and assigning permissions, see Manage connections.

RSpace account requirements

  • The account you use to create a connection for RSpace is the account that has access to the RSpace actions.
  • You must use your RSpace API key to create a connection. Generate your RSpace API key in your My RSpace page.

Create an RSpace data lookup

Use the RSpace data lookup to create a drop-down list of RSpace folders in a form. Each data lookup is configured for a specific API key. You can create as many data lookups as you need. For more information on creating a data lookup and assigning permissions to it, see Data lookups.

For example, to allow users to select a specific folder in a form, add a drop-down list of folders to the form using a Data lookup form control. The Data lookup form control uses an RSpace - Get folders data lookup to list the contents of the Workspace Home folder of your RSpace account.

You can create a data lookup to:

  • Get folders: List all the documents, notebooks, or folders retrieved from the Workspace Home folder of your RSpace account.

RSpace data lookup fields

When you create an RSpace data lookup, you can configure additional fields to specify which page of results the data lookup should retrieve.

To access the data lookup fields, in the Add data lookup section, select the Connector and the Operation.

The following operations are available for theRSpace connector:

  • RSpace - Get folders


Field or selection


RSpace - Get folders Connection

The available RSpace connections.

  Types to include The list of record types to include in the results, can be document, notebook, or folder.
  Page For paginated results, this is the number of the page requested, zero based.
  Items per page The maximum number of items to retrieve per page.
  Order by Sort order for documents, based on name, when the items were created, or when the items were last modified.