Important: This connector and its actions have been removed from Nintex Automation Cloud and can now be found in Nintex Gallery.
Intercom is a marketing platform with a live chat system for support, sales and marketing teams. Their three main modules include a live chat module for communicating with users, an on-boarding module for sending automated emails to convert users into buyers, and an educational module for answering a user’s questions.
For more information on Intercom, see the company website.
In the context of Nintex Automation Cloud, Intercom is a connector Service used to define a connection required for associated actions and start events. Examples include Salesforce and Box. Method of integration to cloud services, business applications and content stores..
The Intercom connector Service used to define a connection required for associated actions and start events. Examples include Salesforce and Box. Method of integration to cloud services, business applications and content stores. is used to create connections for Intercom actions A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows.. Use Intercom actions to retrieve, create, update, and delete contacts from Intercom.
Create an Intercom connection
Create a connection from the connections page or from the action configuration panel when configuring the action. For information about creating connections and assigning permissions, see Manage connections.
Intercom account requirements
- To create an Intercom connection, you need an access token from your Intercom account. To get the Intercom access token, create or access an app in your Intercom Developer Hub, browse to the Authentication tab, and copy your access token. For information on Intercom access tokens, see the Intercom article Authentication Types.
- When creating the Nintex Automation Cloud connection, prepend "Bearer " to the access token. For example (note the space between the word Bearer and the token), Bearer xxxxxjZhxxxxxxXzMz...5MTdjX2VhMDdjYxxxxxxxNjoxOjA=
Create an Intercom data source
Use the Intercom data source to retrieve a list of contacts from your Intercom account. Each data source is configured for a specific user. You can create as many data sources as you need. For more information on creating a data source and assigning permissions to it, see Data sources.
For example, to allow users to select a specific contact in a form, add a drop-down list of contacts to the form using a Data lookup control A form control that allows users to select from a drop-down list of values that have been fetched from a third-party service.. The Data lookup control uses a Intercom - Get contacts data source to list the contacts available from the Intercom connection in the drop-down.
You can create a data source to:
Get contacts: List the contacts available from your Intercom account.