Installer log files

The Installer trace logging feature provides logging for the installation of the product. Typically, the output log files are used by Nintex Support or administrators who would need to troubleshoot errors when installing the product.

The Installer Trace Logging feature is not part of the runtime logging feature; Installer Log Files is only operational during the installation process, and logs information relevant to the installation. For more on runtime logging in the product, please see the topic Logging configuration

The installation trace log starts when you run the Setup Manager. The output log provides information on each event attempted during installation, and the results of that attempt. For example, the Setup Manager may attempt to write a registry entry and the attempt fails because the installation account does not have sufficient permissions. The installation log records that detail as an error so you can debug when the installation finishes. If there are issues with the installation, the Configuration Analysis tool would indicate that there are / may be issues that require resolving, and you can use the installation log output to review the details of errors and warnings.

During the course of the installation, multiple threads are active and this results in a potentially large volume of information generated by the logging service. The trace logging service will only log event items deemed necessary or which may be useful for debugging. Installation logging is always enabled, and the items useful for debugging are predetermined - installation logging is not configurable.

You can access the installer log during installation by using the CTRL + F8 key combination. This can be useful if the Setup Manager hangs during installation. Using the key shortcut opens the current log from the system's temporary folder in Notepad.

The Setup Manager writes the installation log to the setup log folder with this name format: InstallerTrace{Datestamp}_{sequential number}.log, for example: [Program Files]\K2\Setup\Log\InstallerTrace190720_1.log

The InstallReport.log file in the same folder contains a brief summary of the installed system.