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Common reference

This section describes the fields available in the Common tab of the ribbon in the configuration settings dialog box.

Option Description
Message to log on completion

Logs a message in the workflow history when the action has completed. For more information about workflow history, see Viewing workflow history.

Note: Custom history messages must be enabled for messages to be logged on completion. For more information, see Workflow Settings dialog box.

Expected duration

Sets the length of time expected for completion of this action.

Note: This setting is typically used in actions that require human interaction. The expected duration will be recorded in the database for reporting purposes.

Hide from workflow status

Hides this action and any child actions from the workflow history and graphical progress view; also causes the action to not be tracked in the workflow database.

Note: The following actions can be hidden from the graphical status view but are still displayed in the workflow history and logged in the database: Request approval, Request Data, and Request review.

Run as workflow owner

Causes this action and any child actions to run using the credentials of the user who published the workflow instead of the user who started the workflow.

Note: The Run as workflow owner option only appears when the action is in the root level of the workflow. If it is embedded in a "Run If" action, a branch of a "State Machine", a "Parallel" action, "Flexi Task" action or "Loop" action, this option is not available. This is due to a limitation in SharePoint which requires all actions inside a parent action to run using the same user.

Related information

Configure common settings