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Page Break Guide control

Enterprise Edition for Nintex Forms 2016 is required for this feature.​​​

Supported for use in Desktop layouts only.

The Page Break Guide control allows you to decide where a form will have page breaks when rendered using Print to PDF.​ Use this control to force a form to break at certain points when being printed.

Note: The control cannot be nested in other controls. If it overlaps another control, the page will only break after the overlapped control when rendered as a PDF. The control's width cannot be changed.

This feature is not supported in Nintex Mobile.

Control settings  

Following are the fields and options visible in the control settings dialog box for this form control.

Note: For information about the control properties tab in the Nintex Forms ribbon, see Control properties tab.

Section Field Description



The name of the control. The name is used for comparison validation and other control references.

Related Topics

Form and Layout settings

Print to PDF