Adding or Editing an Embedded Wizard

An embedded wizard is a regular wizard inserted as a building block into the flow of another wizard, and its steps are reused by other wizards. Its steps are integrated into the containing wizard’s flow of steps.

  • Embedded wizards are not available for sensors.

  • A wizard cannot be embedded into itself.

Adding an embedded wizard

To add an embedded wizard into the flow of a currently open wizard:

  1. In the current wizard’s Navigation pane, select the step after which you want to embed the wizard

  2. On the menu bar, select Insert > Embedded Wizard

  3. From the Catalog dialog box that appears, select the wizard that you want to embed

To search for a specific wizard, click Find or press CTRL+F and then type your search query.


  • The wizard you selected is embedded as a step into the containing wizard’s flow.

  • The embedded wizard’s thumbnail appears in the Navigation pane, and its core action is indicated by the Embedded icon

  • The embedded wizard’s control pane appears in the Wizard Editor's Display pane

To preview an embedded wizard's steps, from its control pane, click the Sample screenshots dropdown list

Editing an embedded wizard

To edit an embedded wizard:

  1. From the containing wizard's Navigation pane, select the embedded wizard step

  2. In the embedded wizard's control pane, click Edit wizard

The embedded wizard is opened for editing in a new Wizard Editor window

You can also edit the embedded wizard by opening it directly from the catalog in the main Nintex Studio window.

Changing it once changes it everywhere!

Note that when you edit an embedded wizard, your changes are made to the embedded wizard itself, NOT ONLY in the containing wizard.

This means that the changes you make to an embedded wizard will affect all other wizards into which it is embedded and/or sensors from which it is launched.

To check for other wizards/sensors in which the embedded wizard is used, check its Embedded Wizards tab.