Embedded Wizards

You can think of an embedded wizard as a building block of one or more larger wizards.

  • An embedded wizard is recorded and edited once and then reused in multiple locations, without the need to edit it separately in each location.

  • Any wizard from any library can be used as a building block within another wizard, regardless of the application on which it was recorded.

  • An embedded wizard can be hidden from end users in Nintex Robot (i.e., excluded from search results) by setting its run mode to None

  • Embedded wizards are not available for sensors

In this chapter:

Embedded Wizard Features

An embedded wizard's features can be managed from its Control pane or the Properties tab.

Control pane

To view an embedded wizard’s control pane, select its thumbnail from the Navigation Pane:

The control pane contains the following features:

  • Show in catalog: Click this link to show the embedded wizard in its location in the Catalog

  • Replace embedded wizard: Click this link to open a dialog box that allows you to replace this embedded wizard with a different embedded wizard

  • Edit embedded wizard: Click this link to open the embedded wizard for editing in a new Wizard Editor window

  • Sample screenshots: Open this dropdown list to displays preview screenshots of the embedded wizard’s steps and step names/bubble text

Properties tab

The features listed above can also be managed from the embedded wizard's Properties tab (with the exception of Sample screenshots).

In addition, the Properties tab displays the embedded wizard's name (as defined in its General Properties).

Embedded Wizard Fallbacks

The fallback events for an embedded wizard are:

  • Wizard not found: The robot is unable to locate/access the embedded wizard

    • There are a number of reasons this event might occur: the user running the containing wizard does not have permissions to access the embedded wizard, the embedded wizard was not imported, etc.

  • Wizard ended unsuccessfully: The embedded wizard ended unsuccessfully before it completed its run. The default fallback command for this event is to continue the flow of the containing wizard.

The default fallback command for both of these events is to Go to next step of the containing wizard.

To change the default fallback command for one or both of these commands, follow the instructions in Applying Fallbacks.