Setting Robot Preferences

Robot Preference options are found at the bottom of the left-hand panel of the specific robot's page.

To access a specific robot's page:

  1. Go to the ROBOTS main page (by clicking ROBOTS in the Navigation menu)

  2. Click on a specific robot name in the APPROVED ROBOTS list. The robot's Details page opens.

  1. Set Robot Preferences options as follows:

    1. Stop the robot on wizard error

      • When selected, upon wizard error (that results in the wizard ending):

        • The robot's status is set to Stopped (the robot will be unavailable to run additional tasks); and

        • An email notification is sent if configured Learn more about Adding/Editing Robot Event Notifications

      • When unselected, upon wizard error:

        • The robot remains active (and available to run additional tasks).

    2. Auto login to this session when machine starts

      When selected, when the machine starts it automatically logs in to this robot's Windows session. (requires that the robot’s OS password has been set, see note below)

    3. Unlocked mode

      • When Unlock only at run-time is selected, the robot's Windows session is unlocked (using the robot's Windows password) only when the robot is running a task.

        (requires that the robot’s OS password has been set, see note below)

      • When Keep unlocked is selected, the robot's Windows will remain unlocked at all times.

Options 3b & 3c require that a Windows password is set for the robot. To set the password, you can either:

  • Enter an OS password directly into the robot's row in the Robot list (in the OS Password column)

  • On the robot's Details page