
You can receive email notifications to keep informed when important events occur, like when a robot is:

  • Added to Console Plus;

  • Stopped; or,

  • Becomes disconnected or unresponsive.

You can set email notifications for Task and Trigger related events when creating a new trigger or task, or editing them. These use the server and account details (See Setting Up the Email Server) and are sent from the email address that you configure in this section.

Add / Edit Notifications

  1. Go to Settings > Notifications > Add / Edit notifications 

  2. Select the Event type:

    1. Robot added to Console

    2. Robots disconnected or unresponsive

    3. Robot stopped

  3. Specify the email address/es to which you'd like notifications to be sent:

    • Email addresses can be the same or different for each event type (robot added, robot stopped, etc.).

    • Separate multiple email addresses with commas.

  4. When done, click Save settings.

In order to get notifications, ensure to add email server settings under server configurations.