Approving / Rejecting a Robot

When a robot connects to the server for the first time, it waits for approval in the Console Plus Pending Approval list.

To approve or reject a Robot:

  1. Go to Robots > Pending Approval tab.

  2. Click the 3 dots next to the desired Robot and select to Approve or to Reject the Robot.

    If you are using CyberArk, continue with step 3.

    Otherwise, skip to step 4.

  3. If Approved, enter your CyberArk account name.

    Want to Reject the Robot? Click Cancel and return to steps 1 & 2. See more details Rejecting a Robot.

    We recommend entering a friendly name for the Robot since this way the robot will be identified in the dashboard and tables of Console Plus.

    After entering you CyberArk account name, skip to step 5.

  4. If Approved, enter and confirm a Windows OS Password for the robot. and read any information prompted in the dialog box.

    Want to Reject the Robot? Click Cancel and return to steps 1 & 2. . See more details Rejecting a Robot.

    • We recommend entering a friendly name for the Robot since this way the robot will be identified in the dashboard and tables of Console Plus.

    • If Windows is locked at the time a task is scheduled to run, this password will allow the robot to unlock the Windows session to run the task.

      • The password you enter will be stored securely in the Credentials Vault (along with the robot's OS username) as an OS User Credential.

      • You can add the robot's Windows password later if you don't want to at this point.

    The system warns you when it detects that you are about to approve a robot that might have been created in error:

    • When a robot is created on a machine that is already running a robot; or

    • When the robot's username is already used by another robot.

    Depending on your network specifications and configuration, these types of robots may not be problematic at all – in which case you can choose to ignore the warnings and approve the robots.

  5. Click Yes, approve if everything is set.

  1. Assign the robot to a Queue. Learn more about Robots and Queues.

If you have configured email addresses to receive notifications when new robots are added, an email will be sent to specified address(es). Learn more about Adding/Editing Robot Event Notifications.

Rejecting a Robot

You decided to Reject a Robot? That's ok. You can view the Rejected Robots list:

Select Rejected Robots  from the drop down at the top right of the list.

At this point, you can:

  • Click Delete to permanently Delete the robot from the Rejected Robots list; or

  • Do nothing and leave the robot in the  Rejected Robots list

Why reject a robot?

A new robot is created whenever a robot client logs in from a specific machine for the first time. There are times that this can happen inadvertently (especially if your company has elected to create new Nintex users via Windows Active Directory), but rejecting the robot makes this easy to correct.

Consider the following common scenario:

  • An IT administrator performing maintenance uses his or her Windows username to log into to a robot's VM.

  • The robot client automatically runs and (using Active Directory) creates and logs in a new Nintex user with the IT admin's username.

  • A new Nintex username/machine name combination is created, thus creating a new robot.

This is exactly the type of robot you would likely choose to reject.

Don't forget to delete the user in Nintex Admin Tool

If a Nintex user was inadvertently created via Active Directory, be sure to also delete the user in Nintex Admin Tool so that it is not counted as one of your licensed users.