Run Macro

Run a VBA macro on the specified Excel file. The macro can be stored either in the Excel file itself or written directly into the Advanced Command dialog.

You must have Excel installed to use or run this command.

The Excel file on which you run the macro must be closed at the time this command is run.

  1. Select the Excel file on which you would like to run a macro.

  2. Choose whether the macro is stored in the Excel file or if you will write it in directly the Advanced Command:

    • If stored in the Excel file, indicate the module name and procedure name as shown in VPA editor of the Excel.

    • If written in the Advanced Command, click Edit to write/edit the macro.

  3. Enter the name of the variable into which you'd like to place the returned result of the macro.

    This field is relevant only for a macro written as a function that returns a result.

  4. Indicate if you would like to save the file when the macro ends.

  5. Instruct the wizard how to handle any errors encountered.

    Read more about error handling.

  6. Enable timeout monitoring (optional).

    Read more about Timeout Monitoring.