Query From Excel

Query an Excel worksheet using SQL to return specific values from a range or entire sheet.

Command includes options to:

  • Return selective data by using a SELECT clause

  • Filter data by using a WHERE clause

  1. Select the Excel file that you would like to query.

  2. Provide information about the table to query:

    • Enter the worksheet (tab) in which the values are located.

    • Choose whether the table to query includes the entire worksheet or cells within a specific range.

    • Indicate whether the table contains column headers.

  3. Define the parameters for your SQL query, including SELECT and/or WHERE clauses if relevant.

  4. Specify options for returning the data:

    • Enter the name of the variable into which you'd like to place the retrieved values.

    • Enter the delimiters to use to separate each column and row in the returned data

  5. Instruct the wizard how to handle any errors encountered.

    Read more about error handling.

  6. Enable timeout monitoring.

    Read more about Timeout Monitoring.

You don't need Excel installed to use or run this command.