Configure the Control Focus Actions

You can use the control focus actions on a view or form to move input focus to a specific control when an event occurs. Use these focus actions to guide people using the view or form, for example when they select Other from a drop-down list, you can set input focus to a Other, please specify text box so they can enter details.
Move focus to text box if Other option is selected from drop-down list

You may want to use the control focus actions in conjunction with the Initialized event to set focus to a control while executing other rule actions in the background. This is especially useful when you have list controls on a view or form that take long to populate. To improve the user experience, you can set focus to a control and use the Initialized event to execute actions such as populating list controls after the view or form has loaded. See Configure the Initialized Event for an example of how you can configure rules to execute at different stages of loading a view or form.