How To: Access a Form or View by URL

When you're designing and building views and forms, use the Testing URL found in the item's properties to open it in a development environment. As the owner, you can test rules, formatting, and SmartObject functionality while you're building views and forms. When you are ready to release them, use the Runtime URL. This launches the view or form and is accessible to anyone with rights to Nintex K2. For granular control of who can access your views and forms, use the Authorization Framework Overview.

Design time (aka Testing URL): Opens the view or form in the same site as the Designer where there is full functionality of SmartObjects and rule execution, but no permissions for others. Do not share this link because the view or form is only accessible for testing by you.

Runtime (aka Runtime URL): Opens the view or form. Users can open forms using the Runtime URL as long as they have permission to do so. Share this link with others. Note that views only function within forms, so do not share a view’s runtime link.

There are some scenarios where you may need to hard-code the view or form URL instead of using the testing or runtime links. For example, if you anticipate the name of the item changing after going live, you might want to reference it by ID so that the reference link remains the same. See the Access a View or Form by ID (GUID) section for information on how to do this.

Access a View or Form by Vanity URL

  1. The Server refers to the server in your environment. If necessary, append the port to the server name (Server:Port). You can find the System Name by looking at the view or form properties. The name part of the vanity URL is the system name, which you copy, then replace any spaces with a plus (+) character.
    View by Vanity URL
    URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/View/SYSTEM+NAME
    Form by Vanity URL
    URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/Form/SYSTEM+NAME
    1. In Designer, select the view or form from the categories on the left side of your screen. The item's properties appear in the central pane. Copy the System Name and replace any spaces with a plus(+) character.
      Locating System Name
    2. Replace Server with the domain name of your Nintex K2 environment. If necessary, append the port to the server name (Server:Port). Replace System Name with the value from the previous step.
      View by Vanity URL
      URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/View/SYSTEM+NAME
      Form by Vanity URL
      URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/Form/SYSTEM+NAME
  2. Access a View or Form by ID (GUID)

  3. The Server refers to the server in your Nintex K2 environment. If necessary, append the port to the server name (Server:Port). Run the view or form from the properties. The GUID appears in the URL as a query parameter.
    View by ID
    URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/View.aspx?_ID=GUID
    Form by ID
    URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/Form.aspx?_ID=GUID
    1. In Designer, select the view or form from the categories on the left side of your screen. The item's properties appear in the central pane. Click Run.
      Run the View or Form
    2. The GUID is a query parameter in the URL string. Be sure you copy the parameter only.
      Breakdown of URL
    3. Replace Server with the domain name of your Nintex K2 environment. If necessary, append the port to the server name (Server:Port). Replace GUID with the value from the previous step.
      View by ID
      URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/View.aspx?_ID=GUID
      Form by ID
      URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/Form.aspx?_ID=GUID
    4. Unknown Error: When opening a view or form from a URL, you may see an error indicating it cannot be found. The cause is likely one of the following: You are not the view or form owner and are opening the artifact before it has been checked in (at least once), or the file no longer exists. The owner of the artifact must check it in to publish it to the server and make it available for others to use.
      View Unknown Error
  4. Access a View or Form by System Name

  5. The Server refers to the server in your environment. If necessary, append the port to the server name (Server:Port). System Name is found in the view or form properties.
    View by System Name
    URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/View/View.aspx?_Name=SYSTEM+NAME
    Form by System Name
    URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/Form/Form.aspx?_Name=SYSTEM+NAME
    1. In Designer, select the view or form from the categories on the left side of your screen. The item's properties appear in the central pane. Copy the System Name and replace any spaces with a plus (+) character.
      System Name
    2. Replace Server with the domain name of your Nintex K2 environment. If necessary, append the port to the server name (Server:Port). Replace System Name with the value from the previous step.

      View by System Name
      URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/View/View.aspx?_Name=SYSTEM+NAME
      Form by System Name
      URL String: http[s]://SERVER/Designer/Runtime/Form/Form.aspx?_Name=SYSTEM+NAME
    3. Unknown Error: When opening a view or form from a URL, you may see an error indicating it cannot be found. The cause is likely one of the following: You are not the view or form owner and are opening the artifact before it has been checked in (at least once), or the file no longer exists. The owner of the artifact must check it in to publish it to the server and make it available for others to use.
      View Unknown Error