Deploy the K2 for SharePoint App to the App Catalog

Once the K2 for SharePoint Setup Manager has been run to update the K2 components, the App Deployment Wizard is run.

Installation steps

  1. After reading the App Deployment Welcome panel and choosing whether or not you want to analyze the SharePoint Configuration, click Next.
  2. On the K2 Server page, enter a K2 URL and click Next to continue. An example of a K2 server URL is: HTTPS://DLX:4444.
  3. Before App deployment, if you chose to do the health check, the App Deployment Health Check will show a green tick for items that passed the check, a red cross for failures and a blue i for information. You can export the results as a text file with the Export button. Selecting an item will show the results for that item in the right-hand panel with additional information.
    If you chose not to analyze the SharePoint configuration, neither the pre or post health check will be shown.
  4. Check the applicable Web Applications (or select all) that you want to deploy the App to, and then click Next.
  5. After the app is deployed, the App Deployment Health Check will run again (as mentioned, only if you chose to analyze the SharePoint configuration).
  6. When the Finished window appears, click the Finish button to complete the installation.

See the Troubleshooting topic for information relating to the App Deployment Wizard
For information on how to allow multiple K2 environments (e.g. both a Production and a Development environment) to connect to a SharePoint Farm, see the KB article: KB001632.

App Deployment Health Check

If the Analyze SharePoint Configuration before looking for app catalogs checkbox on the Welcome panel is selected, the App Deployment installer proceeds with the pre- and post- deployment health checks for on-premises installs and upgrades. The health check verifies that the settings required by the K2 for SharePoint App are correctly configured in a SharePoint on-premises environment. If the checkbox on the Welcome panel is not checked, the installer attempts to deploy the app without performing the health check. If no errors are encountered, you may continue. If errors are encountered, the health check should be run by starting the App Deployment wizard again and selecting the checkbox.

The following checks are performed:

Pre-deployment Health Check  
Check Description
Execution User Required Permissions for Configuration Analysis Tasks This outputs a bullet list of permissions required to run these checks and upload the app to an app catalog.
Verify the App Catalogs and Permissions Iterates all Web applications and searches for App Catalog site collections, checks that the user has contribute permissions, and SPShellAdmin Access to the web app’s database.
Subscription Settings Service Application is available Check if the Subscription Settings Service Application is provisioned on the Farm and the related service is running.
App Management Service Application Check if the App management Service Application is provisioned on the Farm and the related service is running.
User Profile Tasks
  1. User Profile Service Application
  2. Query User Profile Service
  3. User Profile Sync Connection Task
  1. Check if the User Profile Service Application is provisioned on the Farm and the related service is running
  2. Enumerates the User Profile service, produces the user count for each authentication mode found
  3. Check that User Profile Synchronization is possible
App Domain Tasks
  1. SharePoint App Domain
  2. SharePoint App Site Subscription Name
  3. Ping SharePoint App Domain

  1. Test if the app domain has been set – this can be manually set in Central admin > Apps > Configure App URLS but only if subscription settings and app management services are provisioned and running
  2. Test if the app prefix for the app domain has been set – this can be manually set in Central admin > Apps > Configure App URLS but only if subscription settings and app management services are provisioned and running
  3. Executes a Test-Connection call to the app domain URL; pings the URL (
SharePoint Windows Services
  1. SharePoint Timer Service
  1. Checks that the SharePoint Timer Service is running
Post-deployment Health Check  
Check Description
Server to server High Trust
  1. Verifies Root Authority
  2. Verifies Security Token Issuer
  3. Verifies K2 OAuth High Trust for SharePoint Farm

  1. Ensures the High trust certificate used to setup the ‘K2 for SharePoint App’ and SharePoint Server to Server communication is trusted by SharePoint
  2. Ensures the Security Token Service issuer is set for the ‘K2 for SharePoint App’
  3. Compares the High trust certificate thumbprints from the Root Authority mapping and Security token issuer mapping match. They need to match or Server to Server communication will fail
Metadata and OAuth Exchange over HTTP Checks that OAuth exchange and Metadata exchange over HTTP is enabled if any site collections are running (non-SSL) Microsoft recommends SSL and so you need to set it explicitly
Kerberos authentication and the new SharePoint app model Warns users running Kerberos to ensure NTLM fallback is enabled, there is no actual script execution – it’s just a note the user needs to be aware of
Upload Test App Attempts to Install a Test App to the each of the selected web application’s root site collections' root web sites from the previous page (where you selected the app catalogs); then tries to download the page; and then uninstalls it. The Upload Test App will stop trying to execute after two minutes as this is a very time consuming task

Additional Notes

All scripts are output to [executionDirectory]\Configuration Analysis Scripts.
For example: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\K2 for SharePoint [current version]\Installation\Configuration Analysis Scripts\

If any of the checks fail you are required to fix the configuration before continuing with the app deployment. It is recommended that you read the notes for each setting to understand what needs to be configured. The Health Check is there to notify you if your environment’s configuration is correct or if further configuration is required. For more information see the online KB article: SharePoint 2013 Health Check and App Deployment Script.

Finally, Add the App to your SharePoint Site.