K2 for SharePoint 2010 Configuration Wizard

This topic refers to legacy products, components or features. Therefore, this topic is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated. This topic does not infer that the product, component or feature is supported, or that the product, component or feature will continue to function as described herein.

The K2 for SharePoint Configuration Wizard runs from within SharePoint > Central Administration and does the following:

  1. Install and deploy the K2 for SharePoint components automatically after the K2 Setup Manager is complete.
  2. Manage the K2 for SharePoint solutions that are installed.
  3. Activate the K2 Features.

The Wizard runs automatically once the K2 Setup Manager has completed if the check box is selected on the Finish page. In a distributed environment this wizard must be run on each of the Web Front Ends.

Ensure that the SharePoint Application Pool Service and Timer Service is running before attempting to run this wizard.

The K2 for SharePoint Configuration Wizard landing page lets you select the method of configuration. For first time use, only the installation and deployment wizard is available. The management portion of the wizard is available after the initial usage of the wizard.

This wizard is the same wizard that is run when installing K2 blackpearl for the first time. Running the wizard after installing K2 smartforms ensures that the SmartForms Web service, the SmartForms Viewer and the K2 Designer SmartForms Client Event is deployed and activated.

Certain options may not be available until such time as additional steps have been completed.

The following pages will be displayed during the configuration, consider the on-page instructions carefully as they describe the available options:

Use the K2 for SharePoint Configuration wizard to configure the K2 for SharePoint components - The K2 for SharePoint configuration wizard will step you through the required steps to configure the K2 for SharePoint solutions.

Use the Solutions management Form to manage existing K2 for SharePoint components (advanced) - This option enables you to manage the K2 for SharePoint Solutions package that is installed and deployed by the K2 for SharePoint Wizard. This option is not available immediately and does require existing solutions to be upgraded or for the K2 for SharePoint components to be installed.