K2 Designer Web Site

The K2 Designer Web Site page establishes where the K2 Designer (design time site) must be installed.

The K2 Designer Web Site page allows you to:

Feature Description

Create a New Web Site

If you want to create a new site, type the name in the Web Site Name field and K2 will create it automatically for you.

Use an Existing Web Site Name

The name of the site that was created under IIS. If the name is left with the default setting for example K2 then the K2 Designer (design time) URL will be similar to "http:// K2/designer" where K2 = the web server name.

When selecting "Use an existing Web Site", this site must already exist

Note: The site can be created without closing the K2 Setup Manager. Click Refresh to reload the list of available web site options.

Bindings The Bindings button will let you see the bindings in use and which is selected as the default

If no site is listed in the Web Site drop down, one may need to be created. Type in the name of the web site you want to create, and K2 will do the rest. If a site was recently created and does not display, you may need to perform an IIS reset. Then, click the Refresh button on this page.