K2 Workspace Website Configuration

The K2 Workspace Website Configuration page enables:

  1. The creation of the K2 Workspace website.
  2. The ability to select an existing site if one exists.
  3. If multiple IIS bindings are used, the installer will allow you to select one.

If you create a new site with the installer, a K2 Self Signed Certificate will be automatically generated and used. If you choose an existing site, that site must already have a certificate.

  • When selecting "Use an existing Web Site", this site must already exist.
  • The K2 User Account section in the image below will not be shown during setup of the K2 Workspace in a Farm environment but there will be an option to install on a Web Site Cluster.
Feature Description

Create a New Web Site

If you want to create a new site, type the name in the Web Site Name field, and K2 will create it automatically.

Use an Existing Web Site Name

The name of the site that was created under IIS. Use the Bindings button to select which binding to use.

Note: The site can be created without closing the K2 Setup Manager. Click Refresh to reload the list of available web site options.

Test the User Account credentials

To test the username / password combination, click the Test button.

If no site is listed in the Web Site drop down, one may need to be created. Type in the name of the web site you want to create, and K2 will do the rest. If a site was recently created and does not display, you may need to perform an IIS reset. Then, click the Refresh button on this page.

What to do on this page

If the Workspace web site is going to be installed over a load balanced environment, enter the load balanced URL here. Also, if HTTPS is chosen for the web site, you need to have already set up the binding and certificate.

To configure the K2 Workspace Web Site:

Option 1- Create a new web site:

  1. Enter the name for the New web site.
  2. Click Next to proceed.
  3. The Setup Manager will create the new Web site.

Two bindings will be created with the default set to HTTP. The bindings page will not be shown unless you click on the Binding button and this is the only time a security certificate will be created (K2 self sign cert).

Option 2 - Use an existing Web site:

  1. Select the web site to use from the Web Site drop down menu.
  2. Click Next to proceed.

The bindings page will be shown next and a default selected. If HTTPS is selected, you must use your own security certificate. Only 2 binding may be chosen, 1 of each type.