Installation Type

On the Installation Type page, you can select the type of installation to perform, and provide a file system location where you want to install K2 blackpearl.

Installation Type

On the Installation Type section, the Simple Installation allows you to do a full installation, or only install the client tools. You can also do a Custom Installation.

Installation Folder

On the Installation Folder section, use the default file system location, or specify a location where you want to install the K2 blackpearl components.

Installation Folder

Installation Folder

  • The default installation location is C:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl.
  • This location can be changed by typing in a folder location manually.
  • You can also click on the browse button to navigate to a folder.
When selecting a location, ensure that the location exists on the local machine's hard drive. Do not install a component on a network drive.

What to do on this page

  1. Select an installation type.
  2. Select an installation location. The default is recommended, however any local location is suitable. You can use the browse button to navigate to a folder location.
  3. Click Next to proceed.
  4. If the simple installation option was selected, the installer will bypass the component selection page (only shown for a distributed installation) and proceed to the license page (License Configuration.) If the Client Tools Only installation was selected, the Client Components page shows