Standard SmartForms Authentication

SmartForms uses the K2 blackpearl security mechanisms which are the following:

The K2 installer sets the type of authentication according to the user manager of the environment. With the K2 smartforms 4.6.7 release, SharePoint and Appit integration changed. Appit is dependent on Azure Active Directory, which uses Claims-Based Authentication (CBA). This means that CBA is the default authentication mechanism. K2 has the ability to authenticate using Windows or Forms and ultimately is based on claims authentication.The authentication mode is applicable on a site level, so authentication is applied on the K2 site in Internet Information Services (IIS) in the case of SmartForms if the default site was used in the installer.

You can change the type of authentication by using the K2 Management Site or by changing the web.config file of the IIS site where SmartForms resides.

See also:

Anonymous Access for SmartForms Sites

How to set up a secondary SmartForms Runtime site for Anonymous Access

SmartForms Security