Succeeding Rule

What does it do?

The Succeeding Rule defines the conditions that allow an activity to end.

How is it used?

The succeeding rule contains logical expressions that, when they resolve to true, allows an activity to end.

  • Unless a succeeding rule evaluates to true, an activity may never end and may go into error at run time
  • If the Plan per slot (no destinations) Destination Rule option is selected, and multiple slots may potentially be created, you may need to configure a succeeding rule to ensure that all slots have completed before the activity continues. In the event where a succeeding rule has not been configured for this purpose, only the first slot is evaluated and the activity continues as soon as the first slot has completed. This may cause issues if multiple child IPC processes were supposed to be started by the activity and it ended prematurely after the first child IPC process was started.

A succeeding rule, like other rules, is not required. If a succeeding rule is not configured, no validation is performed and the activity is completed as if the rule evaluated to true.