K2 Web Designer Mail Wizards Send Mail

K2 Designer for SharePoint - Send E-mail

The Send E-mail Wizard generates an automated e-mail which is then distributed to a specified person or user group participating in the Workflow. The e-mail may be used to provide detail on the status of a Workflow, feedback or provide them with a notification. The E-mail Wizard is available by accessing the Wizards Menu, clicking and dragging the item onto the design canvas.

Watch a short video on how to use the E-mail Event in K2 Designer for SharePoint.  (Length 6 minutes).

Send E-mail

Send E-Mail


Send an E-mail: twisty expanded

The default view is with the twisty next to the To field contracted:

Feature What it is How to use it
To The address to which the e-mail is to be sent - whether specified directly or resolved from the Workflow originator or step participant Type text or drag and drop a field from the Context Browser
From The e-mail address to appear in the From field - usually the e-mail setup for the K2 Server Type text or drag and drop a field from the Context Browser. This field is pre-populated with the value of the From Address environment library field.
CC Copy in a recipient. Type the mail address of the person who should be copied or select a dynamic field from the context browser.
BCC Copy in a recipient without allowing other recipients to view Bcc addresses. Type the mail address of the person who should be blind copied or select a dynamic field from the context browser.
Attachments Drag and drop fields from the context browser for attachments.

The following items are supported:

  • SmartObject methods that return images or files.
  • Item References of type SharePoint Document or InfoPath Document.
  • InfoPath Form attachments (i.e. dragging the attachments node from the InfoPath Form schema.
Importance The level of importance of the e-mail. High, Normal and Low is available. The default is Normal. Select the level from the drop down menu.
Subject The subject line of the e-mail - often one of the Workflow or step data fields is used to give a more precise context to the e-mail Type text or drag and drop a field from the Context Browser
Message Format The message can be displayed in HTML or Plain Text  Select the required option
Body Enter the contents of the mail which informs the recipient of the Workflow status, a new work item or feedback regarding a decision. Fields from the Context Browser can be dragged and dropped in the body if required Select the required option

For more information on the message body and toolbar, see the topic E-mail Event Wizard > Message Body.



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