Create Report Wizard - Summarize the Data

Create Report - Summarize the data

The Summarize the Data screen provides filters such as Average, Count, Largest, Smallest and Sum that can be added to the individual columns to summarize the data. The Summarize the data screen is the fourth step in the Create Report Wizard. Depending on the type of report that is being created, one of the following three Summarize the data screens will appear:

Tabular and Summary Report

The following Summarize the data screen is applicable to the Tabular Report and the Summary Report and forms part of the fourth step in the Create Report Wizard.

Fig.1 Tabular and Summary Report Wizard steps 4 -Summarize the data

Summary Filters can be deleted by clicking on the x next to the Summary Filter

Fig.2 Delete Summary Filter

When the Average filter is applied to numerical values the value will be rounded to 2 decimal places; and when applied to a text or date value the smallest value will be displayed
Feature What it is How to use it
Summary Filters
(Tabular and Summary Report screens)
Lists the filters available to summarize the data Drag the summary filter from the left hand column and drop it at the bottom of the required column. 
Not all columns need to have filters.

Matrix Report

The following Summarize the data screen is only applicable to the Matrix Report and forms part of the fourth step in the Create Report Wizard.

Fig.3 Matrix Report Wizard steps 4 -Summarize the data

Feature What it is How to use it
Subtotal Check box
(Matrix Report screen)
Enables a user to subtotal a column and row groupings Check the check box next to the column and or row groupings that you would like to subtotal.
  • This step in the wizard is optional, if no configuration is required click Next to continue
  • Save As saves the current state of the report and displays the report under the Reports tab on the Report Designer page for editing later
  • Preview displays the report in the report viewer 



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