Add Entity Item Reference

K2 Designer for SharePoint - Add Entity Item Reference

The Add Entity Item Reference wizard is used to create a re-usable Workflow object within the K2 Environment that contains data referring to a specific CRM Entity. Click and drag this wizard in the designated area on the design canvas to start the wizard.

Fig. 1. Add Entity Item Reference Wizard

Fig. 2. Select CRM Entity

Feature What it is How to use it
CRM Server URL The CRM Server connection URL

Enter the CRM Server URL or open the Context Browser and drag the variable containing the CRM Server URL onto the field

Organizational Name The associated CRM Organizational Name

Enter the Organization Name or use the ellipsis button to open the Context Browser and drag the variable containing the Organizational Name onto the field

Click on the Test/Refresh button to test the connection to the CRM Server

Entity Name The specific CRM Entity to be referenced Select the required CRM Entity from the list of available entities

Fig. 3. Specify Entity Details

Feature What it is How to use it
Reference Field The name of the CRM Entity to be referenced This property is pre-selected from the previous screen
Update Check Box Selects the property for the referenced data to be filtered on Click on the check box to select the data property for the reference item data filter
Name The Name of the data property Use the name of the data property to select the property that you wish to filter the reference item on
Value The filtered data value that the reference item will return Enter the data property value for the reference item filter
See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)