K2 Studio Home Tab

K2 Studio - K2 Studio Home Tab

The Home Tab contains standard K2 Studio interface functions. The Menu Bar has four option groups - Clipboard, Project, Deployment, and Feedback.

Button Description Shortcut
Paste Pastes the cut or copied item from the clipboard Ctrl + V
Cut Cuts the selected item and loads it into the clipboard Ctrl + X
Copy Copies the selected item to the clipboard Ctrl + C
Select All Selects all the items on the canvas Ctrl + A
References Opens the Project References wizard. See Home Tab Project References Ctrl + R
New Opens the New Project/Process dialogue. See K2 Studio Home Tab New Ctrl + Shift + N
Open Opens an existing Project/Project item Ctrl + Shift + O
New Folder Creates a new folder within the Solution Explorer tree Ctrl + Shift + F
Deploy Deploys the K2 Process Ctrl + D
Include Includes the selected process from deployment within the K2 project Ctrl + Shift + I

Exclude Excludes the selected process from deployment within the K2 project Ctrl + Shift + E
See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)