Word Documents Wizard - Update Document Content Control

Word Documents Event Wizard - Update Document Content Control

The Update Document Content Control function in the Word Documents Event Wizard is used to update Word document content controls automatically.

It is important to note that only plain and rich text content controls are supported. If there is two content controls with the same tag, both content controls will be updated.

Also, note that only '.docx' files are supported.

Information required to Update a Content Control

Fig. 1. Word Documents Event Wizard - Update Document Content Control

Update Document Content Control - From Text Doc_Location - Local_or_Network_Location Word Documents Wizard - Finished

What Happens Scenarios

What happens..


Answer - The source formatting persists on update to the destination document, therefore the source document stays as is and is just added to the destination. All embedded objects will be inserted into the destination document.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)