SmartObject Import Export Trouble Shooting

SmartObject Import and Export Trouble Shooting

The expectation is that the export and import processes will take place on two different machines. Owing to this, there may and will always be differences between the two environments which can result in the import process from completing successfully.

Import Checklist

The following items should be verified to ensure that the checking takes place as smoothly as possible: 

Resource SQL Server CRM Server Check


SQL Server name must be the server of the target environment

CRM Server must be the URL of the target environment and the organization name found in the XML file must be the same as the target environment


The SQL Databases must be backed up from the source SQL Server and restored to the target SQL server *

The same entities must be available on the target CRM Server.

Service Instances

If the SQL Server versions are not the same, but they are forwards compatible, this may result in the error that the service instance is not found. This is however a result of differences with the XML file output.


SmartObjects exported with the Specified User credentials entered will need to do the following:

  • For a first time import and service instance creation, the specified user credentials must be re-entered by editing the connection
  • For an upgrade, the password is removed from the display field but the user name remains. The password must be updated later

*Standard SQL backup and restore compatibility procedures and protocol apply

Service Instance Import Errors

The following error may be encountered and this happens for a number of reasons: Unable to create a new ServiceInstance as one already exists with the same name

Listed below are a number of example scenarios where the above error is known to occur. The error is not limited to these scenarios.  When importing a service instance and the error occurs, consider the following:

  1. An existing serviceinstance of the same type (SQL/CRM) with the same compared config exists. (Matching)
    1. Existing serviceinstance will be updated. Only the GUID is updated with the imported value
  2. An existing serviceinstance of the same type (SQL/CRM) with the same compared config does not exist
    1. Check if serviceinstance name to be imported is unique
      1. Yes – Create new serviceinstance
      2. No – Give an error that the name already exists
  3. If credentials were specified for the SmartObject, and later the SmartObject is updated. The update procedure removes the password, and this must be updated again manually
Sensitive information i.e. domain credentials are not exported as part of the XML based configuration file. These values must be entered manually once the import process is complete and the service instance has been created. This applies to both SQL and CR SmartOnjects.

SQL Server Compatibility

When backing up and restoring databases between a source and a destination environment the source environment must either be the same version of SQL Server or a more recent version. If the destination environment's SQL Server version is older that the source environment, the databases will not be able to be restored and subsequently the SmartObject import will not be possible either.

If the error: Unable to create a new ServiceInstance as one already exists with the same name, occurs it may be that the XML output of the file is in an order that the import Server does not recognizes or there are differences. This is a result of differences between SQL Server versions. To resolve this, the compare flag in the configuration file can be set to false to prevent comparisons from taking place which will result in the existing SmartObjects being overwritten.

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)