Reference - SmartObject Method Wizard - Service Method Links

SmartObject Method Wizard - Service Method Links

The Service Method Links screen configures links between different Service Object Methods. This screen of the SmartObject Wizard is only available if more than one Service Object Method has been created and a List Method has been used. When the List Method is executed, the Service Property bindings are validated and the Service Method Link is applied to the data that is retrieved.

Fig. 1. SmartObject Method Wizard - Setup Service Method Links Screen

Feature What it is How to use it
Service Object Method 1 Displays the original service object method View the original service object method
Service Object Method 2 Displays the linked service object method View the linked service object method
Link Type Represents the manner in which the methods will be linked View the Link Type
Add Allows the user to add a service method link Click on Add
Edit Allows the user to edit a service method link Click on Edit
Remove Allows the user to remove a service method link Select a link and click Remove
Remove All Allows the user to remove all service method links Click on Remove All
Auto Map Allows the user to auto map properties between the two service object methods Click on Auto Map

Add Service Method Link

Click on Add on the Setup Service Method Links screen to add a new service method link. The Add Service Method link is displayed. The following link types are available:

Fig. 1. SmartObject Method Wizard - Setup Service Method Links Screen

Feature What it is How to use it
Service Object Method 1 Displays the first Service Object Method Select a Service Object Method
Link Type Represents the manner in which the methods will be linked Select the Link Type
Service Object Method 2 Displays the second Service Object Method Select a Service Object Method
Service Object Displays the first Service Object Method Displays the first Service Object Method
Property Name Displays the properties of the Service Object Select a property then click Assign to assign a binding between the service properties
Type Displays the type of the service property Displays the type of the service property
Bound To Displays the binding between the service properties Displays the binding between the service properties
Assign Allows the user to assign a binding between the service properties Select a property, the click Assign
Clear Removes the binding of the selected property Select a property and click Clear
Clear All Removes all the bindings of the service properties



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)