Workflow Server - Processes: Roles

Workflow Server - Role Configuration for the Process

Contextualized Assistance: Adding a Role using a SmartObject

Fig. 1. Roles Interval Configuration

Option What it is How to use it
Name Lists the available Role definitions Reference
Interval The time interval at which Active Directory refreshes the Role Enter the required interval
The Add Role button Click the Add Role button to add a Role to the Process Roles configuration list
The Save Button Click Save to store the configuration

To add a Role:

Option What it is How to use it
Initiates a search for the entered Role name Click Find
Name Text Box Allows an administrator to enter the name of the required Role Enter the name of the required Role (leave blank to return all Roles)
Name Lists the available Role definitions User Reference
Description List the description of the Role definition User Reference
Selected Allows an administrator to select a role to manage the Process Instance Click on the check box



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