Workflow Start Outcomes

K2 Designer for SharePoint - Workflow Start Outcomes

The Workflow Start Outcomes wizard screen is used to specify the possible Outcomes for the workflow step. To add more outcomes to the workflow step, drag and drop Outcome Templates from the Context Browser onto the canvas on the left.  

Fig. 1. Workflow Settings - Workflow Start Outcomes

Feature What it is How to use it
Add Adds a new Outcome Click Add to add a new Outcome or drag and drop an Outcome Template onto the canvas. Type a new name if required in the Outcome text box
Edit Opens the Outcome Rules screen Click Edit
Remove Removes an Outcome Click Remove
Remove All Removes all the Outcomes of the workflow step Click Remove All
Move Up Moves the Outcome one position up Select an Outcome, then click Move Up
Move Down Moves the Outcome one position down Select an Outcome, then click Move Down
Outcome The Name of the Outcome Type a new name if required
Linked To The activity the Outcome is linked to Select the activity from the drop down

Outcome Rules

Adding an Outcome Rule provides a way to add additional business logic, or rules, to the outcome client/server step. To add an Outcome Rule to a Workflow Outcome, select the Outcome and click Edit. The Outcome Rules screen opens as shown below.

Fig. 2. Workflow Start Outcomes - Outcome Rules

Feature What it is How to use it
Name The Name of the Outcome Type a new name if required in the Name text box
Add Statement Adds a statement line Click Add Statement
Remove Removes a statement Click Remove
Remove All Removes all the statements Click Remove All
Drag Value The first Value to be used in the statement Drag and drop a value from the Context Browser 
Select Operator Operator to be used in the statement. The operators differ depending on the type of field used. The following operators are available:
  • Equal To
  • Not Equal To
  • Less Than or Equal To
  • Less Than
  • Greater Than or Equal To
  • Greater Than
Select an Operator
Drag or Type Value The second Value to be used in the statement Drag and drop a value from the Context Browser or type a value in the text box
And/Or Links the statements together with a And/Or operator Select the operator to be used
See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)