Start Form

K2 Designer for SharePoint - Start Form

The Start Form wizard screen is used to specify which SharePoint Columns/InfoPath Fields or predefined Data Fields will be displayed on the Workflow Start Form. The Start Form wizard screen is context sensitive and will display differently depending on whether the Workflow should integrate with SharePoint or InfoPath.

Fig. 1. Start Form - SharePoint Integration

Feature What it is How to use it
Remove Removes a Field Click Remove
Remove All Removes all the Fields on the start form Click Remove All
Move Up Moves the Field one position up Select a Field, then click Move Up
Move Down Moves the Field one position down Select a Field, then click Move Down
Column The field to be displayed on the start form Drag and drop a field from the Context Browser on the canvas on the left
Type The type of field N/A
Required Indicates if the field is a required field on the form Tick the option if required
Read Only Indicates if the field is read only. Users will not be able to capture data or edit the field Tick the option if required

Fig. 2. Start Form - InfoPath Integration

Feature What it is How to use it
Name Name of the InfoPath Form published to the Form Library N/A
InfoPath Form View Views available on the InfoPath Form Select the View to be used to start the Workflow
Folio The Folio text box is used to add static or dynamic information that is used to uniquely identify the running instances of the Workflow Type text or drag and drop a field from the Context Browser



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)