Oracle Service in Workspace

Oracle Service in Workspace

The Oracle Service can be located in the Management Console in the Services section. Once the Oracle Service instance has been created the Service Object methods will appear in the K2 Object Browser. 

It is vital to cross check the Service object with Oracle for any objects that did not register in the K2 Object Browser. These might not have been registered as a result of unsupported data types. Correct the data type and edit the Service Instance to register the missing objects.

Option What it is
Add Adds a new Oracle Service Instance.  Selecting to add a new Service Instance will open the Service Instance Configuration wizard screen
Edit Edits the selected Oracle Service Instance.  Selecting to edit an existing Service Instance will open the Edit Service Instance wizard screen
Credentials For future use
Remove Deletes the selected configured Service Instance
Selected Selects the SmartObject Service configuration, enabling an administrator to Edit or Delete the configured Service
Display Name The name of the Configured SmartObject Service
Description A description of the configured SmartObject Service



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)