Information Worker Messaging

Information Worker Messaging

When a user replies to a notification there are two main types of actions namely Standard Actions and Configured Actions. A standard Action is a system action which will take precedence over a configured action.  

Information Worker Response Keywords Result

Configured Action

  • Approve
  • Decline
  • ...etc, ..

When a correct key word or Action is received by the K2 Server, the corresponding outcome will be processed. A confirmation e-mail will be received by the information worker.

Note: The user can use synonyms or sentence parsing which is closer to natural language to action the worklist item.

Standard Action

  • Redirect
  • Delegate
  • Sleep

In this instance an alternative information worker has been allocated the worklist item. One of the above event become relevant.

Request Assistance or send wrong keyword 'Action' One of two messages will be returned by the K2 Server. If Help was requested, the Help information is sent back to the user explaining what to do. If a spelling error was introduced or an incorrect keyword was sent, an e-mail explaining the error will be sent
User Assistance Help, ? If the user is unsure how to respond to a notification email from the K2 Server, replying to the message with the action Help or an exclamation mark will prompt the K2 Server to return with user help.

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)