Filters Tab

K2 Workspace - Filters Tab


Fig. 1. Filters Configuration tab window

Feature What it is
Name Displays the name of the applicable filters
Default Displays which filter has been set as the default filter that is applied when Workspace is opened

Default Filter

The Default Filter is shown below.

FilterCriteria window 

Fig. 2. Default Filter

K2 Worklist items with either Sleep or Allocated status will not be reflected in the K2 Worklist as a result of the Default Filter being applied. Should you wish to view these, edit the Default Filter to include these statuses

The Filters can be selected from the Selected Filter drop down list displayed above the Worklist items. If there are more that one filter configured, click the drop down list to select the required filter. The filter marked as the default filter will be the first filter displayed in the list.


Fig. 3. Selected Filter drop down list

Adding a Filter

To add a new filter click the Add button, the Filter Criteria window will be displayed as shown below:

FilterCriteria window 

Fig. 4. Filter Criteria window 

Name the filter by typing in the Filter Name text box. Click Add to select the filter criteria. Create the filter item by selecting the item the filter is to be applied on and configure the criteria that must be displayed when the filter is selected.

FilterCriteriaItem dialog box

Fig. 5. Filter Criteria Item window

Feature What it is How to use it
Field A specific field can be selected from the list for the Filter being added Select a field from the list
Compare Operator Various Compare Operators are available to compare the Field Name with the Value Select an operator from the list
Value This is the value that will be used in conjunction with the Field Name and Compare Operator to filter the items Type in the Value you would like to filter on

FilterCriteriaItem dialog box

Fig. 6. Filter Item

Multiple Filter Items

Multiple filter items can be added using the Logical Operator as shown below.

FilterCriteriaItem dialog box

Fig. 7. Multiple Filter Items

Edit or Delete Filter Items

Filter items can be deleted or changed by clicking the downward facing arrow next to the configured filter item.

FilterCriteriaItem dialog box

Fig. 8. Edit Filter Item

Edit or Delete Filter

Filters can be edited or deleted by clicking the downward facing arrow next to the configured filter.

FilterCriteriaItem dialog box

Fig. 9. Edit Filter



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