Export CRM SmartObject

How to export the SmartObject

At least one SmartObject must be present within the listing below for them to be exported.

The SmartObjects that are available under the manage SmartObjects page will be listed in the SmartObjects box. The SmartObject is granularized; all items are selected default, and the user is able to manually determine which items they want to  export.

From Central Administration > Manage CRM SmartObjects, select a SmartObject to export by left clicking and selecting Export SmartObjects.

From the Manage CRM SmartObjects Page, locate the CRM SmartObject to export and from the drop down list select Export SmartObject

CRM SmartObjects

All available items are enabled by default. If there are unwanted items, disable them. Click Ok to proceed with the SmartObject export 

Export SQL SmartObject 2

Download the XML file to the local machine.

Download XML File  



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