Data Type Mapping

Inline Functions - Data Type Mapping

Take note that the DataTypes works differently depending on the designer that you are using.

Data Type Display in Silverlight-based Designers Display in Windows-based Designers
Int (Int32), Int16 (Short), Int32, Integer Number Integer
Int64, Long Number Long
Decimal Decimal Decimal
Double Decimal Double
Single, Float Decimal Single
DateTime Date and Time DateTime
Object Any Type Object
Binary Binary Binary
String Text String
Boolean Boolean Boolean
Bytes Bytes Bytes
{Array/List} Append "List" to the type (i.e., {Type} List)
Examples: Number List, Decimal List, Text List
Append "[]" to the type (i.e., {Type} [])
Examples: Long [], Decimal [], String []
{Not in list} If there is no explicit mapping, the underlying data type will simply be displayed as is If there is no explicit mapping, the underlying data type will simply be displayed as is



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)