Active Directory Event Wizard - Create Group - Group Management

Active Directory Event Wizard - Group Management

This screen presents the group management options for the group account


Fig. 1. Active Directory Event Wizard - Create Group - Group Management Screen

Feature What it is How to use it
Managed By The Active Directory user who will have permissions to manage the newly created group Enter the manager's user name, or use the ellipsis button to open the Context Browser and drag the user name or variable onto the field
Manager can update membership list This enables the manager configured in the above field to update the membership list of this group Select this option by clicking on the check box
Add User to Reference Field

A workflow reference field that will contain the Active Directory Group details created by this event

Check Box - Activates the reference field option

Reference Field box - Provides for the configuration of the content field with the Active Directory Group. See Using the Reference Field section below for more information.

Activate the reference field option by clicking on the check box, then type the name of the reference field in the text box.

Using the Reference Field

The Reference Field in the Active Directory wizard allows the process designer to create a field by typing in a name that can be referenced later within the AD wizard. This makes the design process easier and quicker as the field can be selected instead of specifying the details again. The reference field created in the Group Management is created as type Group and will therefore only surface in the following Group actions with in the wizard:

Note that the Reference field does not appear in the context browser or the object browser, but only in the Active Directory wizard itself. The value assigned to the reference field is only available for use in that specific process and cannot be surfaced in a different project or process. 

For example, when a new group called Approvers is created in the Create a Group action and a reference field of Finance Approvers is created. Later on when using the Update a Group action then Finance Approvers will appear in the Group Name(DOMAIN\GROUP): dropdown box.

  1. Creating the Finance Approvers Reference Field.
  2. Using the Finance Approvers Reference Field in the Update User action.



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