1. Confirm the SharePoint App is Active; Add the K2 Worklist Web Part
In this step, you will confirm that the K2 Five for SharePoint App is active in your site collection. Without the app properly registered, deployed and activated, you cannot build K2 Application elements such as SmartForms or K2 workflows from a SharePoint list. To begin, you will create a new subsite (optional) for building K2 tutorials. You will create a new list to test if the app is already activated to the subsite. If not, there are instructions for completing the registration, deployment and activation of the app. Finally, you will add a K2 Worklist web part to your site collection home page. The K2 Worklist is one of several tools you can use to view and action tasks assigned to you.
Recent changes introduced by Microsoft to many SharePoint Online environments include updated user interfaces, for example in the Site Contents page as well as in lists and libraries. The Ribbon toolbar may also no longer be present. As a result of these changes, the screen shots in this tutorial may not match the screens you see in your SharePoint Online environment. While the updated user interfaces is the default experience, you can switch back to what is known as Classic SharePoint by clicking
Return to classic SharePoint at the bottom left of the list or library page. You will be in classic view for the remainder of your browser session. If you close your browser and then re-open Site Contents or a list or library, you are presented with the new user interface. For more information, please refer to the K2 Knowledge Base article on
SharePoint Online User Interface changes.
- Create a subsite. Add a new subsite to build and store your K2 applications. This step is optional, but may be useful if you have multiple users working on tutorials from the same SharePoint location.
- If you do not know how to add a subsite, contact your SharePoint administrator for instructions specific your environment. Throughout this tutorial, there will be references to your SharePoint site. Keep in mind, this refers to your subsite if you create one, or to your root site, if you do not create a subsite.
- Confirm the K2 app deployment and activation. Begin by checking your site to see if the K2 Five for SharePoint app is already deployed and activated for the site collection you are working in. Navigate to the Site Contents page and look for the K2 app icon under the List, Libraries and other Apps heading. The icon itself will vary depending on your K2 environment and version. If you see the K2 app icon, the app is deployed at the site level and you can skip to Step (3).If the K2 icon is not there, the app was not deployed to the site collection and you will need to deploy it first to continue. Refer to the Adding the K2 Five for SharePoint app steps.
- From your site home page, navigate to the Site Contents page and confirm the K2 Five app is shown. If you see the K2 icon, then the app is already deployed to the site collection. You still need to confirm the app is active for the site collection as well.
The images in this tutorial reflect SharePoint with Office 365. Your screen may not look exactly the same if you are on another version of SharePoint. Where necessary, additional notes will clarify version differences.

The K2 app icon will vary depending on your environment

- Create a test list. From your site collection, create a new Custom List and name it K2 App Test. You don't need to add any other columns or make any other adjustments. You will use this list to confirm if the K2 Five for SharePoint app is active for this site collection. After you create the list, open it. In the ribbon toolbar, click the LIST tab. Confirm there is a group called K2 and it has the Application, Report and Worklist icons. If the K2 group is there, the app is active for this site collection. You can continue to Step (4) to add the K2 Worklist web part. If you do not see the K2 group or icons, follow the steps in the Adding the K2 Five for SharePoint app section to active the K2 app for your site collection.
- The easiest way to determine if the K2 app is active for your site collection is to create a new list or library, then look for the K2 icons in the ribbon toolbar. If the app is active, K2 adds the K2 group and icons to each new list and library. If the K2 group is not there, then the app is not active for this site collection and you will need to activate it. Begin by creating the test SharePoint list. Click the add an app icon, then click the Custom List app. Name the test list
K2 App Test
then click Create.

- After you create the test list, open the list. Click the LIST tab located in the ribbon toolbar and confirm you see the K2 group with the Application, Report and Worklist icons. If you see the K2 group and icons, the app is active at the site collection level you are working in. Continue to the next step to add the K2 Worklist web part. If you do not see the K2 group or icons, follow the steps in the Adding the K2 Five for SharePoint app section to activate the app.

- Add the K2 Worklist web part to your site collection home page. Edit the home page of your site collection, then add the K2 Worklist web part to the page. There are no other configurations at this time. Save the page. If the K2 app is deployed and activated and you have added the K2 Worklist web part, you can continue now to the second topic. Scroll to the bottom of this page and use the link to continue.
There are a number of ways you can action tasks assigned to you. One way is to work from the K2 Worklist web part. This web part features a list of all K2 tasks assigned to you. You can action the tasks directly from the worklist, or can open a task form (if configured) and action the task from the form. You will use the worklist throughout several K2 for SharePoint tutorials.
- Navigate to your site home page. From the home page, click the EDIT button in the upper right corner of the page.
Permissions required when adding the K2 Worklist web part. To add the Worklist web part successfully, you must be a member of a group that has permission to add and customize pages. Members of the site Owner's group have full control and therefore meet this requirement. Members of the site Member's group, by default, do not have the Add and Customize Pages permission level option. If you are working through this tutorial on a K2-provided VM, you are logged in as Administrator at the necessary permission level. If you are working in your own environment, confirm that you are either a member of the site Owner's group (with full control), or a member of the site Member's group with an edited permission level that includes the Add and Customize Pages option. If you are unsure of your permission level, contact your SharePoint administrator.

- Click the INSERT tab located in the ribbon toolbar. Click the Web Part option found in the Parts group. Click the K2 folder in the Categories pane. Click the K2 Worklist web part to highlight it. Click Add.

- After the web part has been added to the page, click the SAVE button in the upper right corner of the page to commit the change.

The K2 Worklist is one location you to find and action workflow tasks that have been assigned to you. You will use the K2 Worklist in future steps.

Adding the K2 Five for SharePoint app
If you have followed the steps above and find that the K2 app is either not deployed or not activated, use the following steps to configure the app. Depending on your environment, you may not have to perform all the steps below. If necessary, contact your SharePoint administrator for help.
Configuring the K2 Five for SharePoint app consists of the following steps:
Install > Register > Deploy > Activate
First, you must install and deploy the app to the root site collection App Catalog. This step is generally part of the K2 product installation or upgrade process.

After the K2 product installation or upgrade process completes, you must register the app against the K2 server. The third step is to deploy the app to the site collection(s) where you will allow (or trust) the app (which establishes permissions and connection between K2 and the site collection). After deploying the app, you can activate it for use in site collections, which simply means enabling features such as service instances, management SmartObjects and list and library menu options. You can configure the deployment and activate steps to run automatically so that when you add new subsites, K2 discovers them, then deploys and activates the app for you. Once you have activated the app for a site collection, it is ready for use within the site and subsites.
- Confirm the app is installed by navigating to the root site collection's App Catalog. You can access this page via the SharePoint Central Administration > Apps. Generally speaking, you install the app during the SharePoint integration when installing or upgrading the K2 product. You should see the app listed under Apps for SharePoint. If it is not, contact your SharePoint technical support team for assistance.
- Navigate to the App Catalog associated with the root site collection you are working in. The App Catalog is found in Central Administration > Apps > Manage App Catalog. If necessary, change the web application to the application you are working in. Click the Site URL to open the App Catalog.
- Confirm the K2 Five for SharePoint app is listed. The image below reflects the K2 Five for SharePoint app. The K2 Cloud app will have a slightly different title.

If you can see an entry for the app, then its installation is complete and you can continue with the Deploy steps. If the app is not displayed, then you must install it first to the App Catalog.
- Install the K2 Five for SharePoint app. K2 product installation steps can vary, depending on your K2 environment. Contact your support team for help with installing the app.
- For full details, see the product documentation on installing or updating the K2 for SharePoint app. The following instructions will use K2 Five as the demonstration images.
- From the App Catalog, navigate to the Site Contents.

- Click the add an app icon.

- Under the Apps you can add heading, click the K2 Five for SharePoint icon. (The app may have a different name, depending on the K2 product you are working with.)

- On the Do you trust K2 for SharePoint screen, click Trust It.(The app may have a different name, depending on the K2 product you are working with.)

K2 will add the app. During this time, the app icon will be grayed out with a message that reads K2 is adding the app. When you see the full-color icon, K2 has added the app. (The app icon may have a different name, depending on the K2 product you are working with.)

- Register the app against the K2 server. This step establishes the connection between the K2 Five for SharePoint app and the K2 server, along with authentication protocols. Click the app icon on the Site Contents page to launch the registration process. You will need the URL of your K2 server to complete this step.
- From the App Catalog > Site Contents page, click the K2 Five for SharePoint app icon to begin the registration process.
- On the Configure Link to K2 Server page, enter the URL to your K2 server. If you are on a K2-provided VM, the server URL is
then click Next. If working in your own environment, enter the URL to your K2 server.

K2 will validate the URL. You will see the Configuring K2 Server Settings screen. This is where the configuration for authentication protocols, the SharePoint service broker and application settings take place.
If you see an error indicating a newer version of the app is available, you must update the current app before continuing.
- From the App Catalog, open Site Contents.
- Locate the K2 Five for SharePoint app, then click the ellipses and select About.

- On the K2 for SharePoint page, click GET IT.
- Click TRUST IT on the Do you trust K2 for SharePoint pop-up.
- The installer will update the app to the current version.
- Re-run the registration wizard.
- Click Finish after you see a green check next to each configuration. You should be on the App Catalog > K2 Five for SharePoint page.

- Deploy the app to your site collections to make it available for activation at the site collection level. You can deploy the app to the root site collection, then activate it later to only those sites and subsites where you want to use it.
Now that you have registered the app, you will deploy it to any site collections where you want to use it. Unless you have security policies in place that dictate otherwise, deploy the app to the root site collection where you will use it. You can choose which sites and subsites to activate the app for later. This gives more granular control over where you can use the app.
To deploy the K2 Five for SharePoint app, K2 recommends you have Global Admin or Tenant Admin rights. You can only deploy the app from the App Catalog.
- On the App Catalog > K2 Five or SharePoint page, scroll down to the Administration heading. Click Manage App Deployments (SharePoint). (You can collapse the welcome section to make it easier to find, if you like.)

- You should be on the Manage App Deployments > K2 blackpearl for SharePoint page. Begin by entering the URL of the root site collection you are deploying the app to into the Enter a site collection to deploy to text box. If you are on a K2-provided VM, the site collection URL is
then click Add (the button is just right of the text box). The site collection will be displayed in the Site collections to deploy to box.
Even if you created a subsite earlier, the best practice is to deploy the app at the root level. From there, you can activate the app to specific site collections or subsites if desired. At the root level, the app is available across all sites.

- In the Managed Paths section, click to highlight All Paths, then click the Add button just right of the Available managed paths box. See the image above for reference, if needed.
If you have managed paths within your SharePoint environment, you can select which paths should have the K2 app deployed to automatically. K2 recommends using the All Paths option so that the app deploys to any site collections or subsites when created. You can use the activation settings to control which site collections or subsites have the app automatically activated.
- In the Site Templates section, leave the default settings in place. You will not filter the K2 app deployment by site template. At the bottom of the screen, click OK. When you see the Do you trust K2 for SharePoint screen, click Trust It. After the app deploys, you will redirect back to the App Catalog > Site Contents page.
- Activate the app to the sites and subsites where you want to use it. This gives you more granular control over where you can use the K2 app. Activating the app enables the app features such as system SmartObjects, as well the K2 group options located in the ribbon toolbar for lists and libraries. You will need your SharePoint site URLs for this step. If you are on a K2-provided VM, use https://portal.denallix.com.
At this point, you have deployed the app as a Global Admin, SharePoint Online or Tenant Admin. Activating the app requires site collection administrator permissions at a minimum. Confirm you have the necessary permissions before proceeding. Contact your SharePoint administrator if you have questions regarding your permission level. (If you are using a K2-provided VM, you are logged in as Administrator and can proceed)
- On the App Catalog > Site Contents page, click the K2 app icon. The icon may look slightly different than the image below, depending on your environment.

- Under the Administration heading, click the Manage App Activations link.

On the Configure Activation Settings page, there are three sections to note. Under the Deployment section, there is an option to Enable auto-activation on sites where the app is deployed for any new site collections or subsites. By default, this option is set to TRUE, but you can deselect if you need to have more granular control over where the app is active.
The Activation text box is where you will enter the URL for the site collection you want the app activated for. K2 recommends activating the app at the root site collection. The Uninstall box displays site collections where the app is currently activated. Here, you can select a site collection and remove the app, if desired.
When you remove a site collection from the App Activation Settings, you are resetting SharePoint back to its pre-K2 app configuration. Any K2 artifacts (such as SmartObjects, SmartForms and workflows) that existed will still exist on the K2 server, however they will no longer be visible from the site collection.

- Begin by entering a site collection URL into the Activation text box, then click Activate. This may take a few minutes, depending on how many subsites you have within the site collection structure. If you are on a K2-provided VM, enter
then click Activate.

The activation process begins. During this time, you will see a green check appear next to the SharePoint Service Broker section and then the Activation section as those features active. After both checks appear, your site collections and subsites will display under the Activate All heading, if you activated at the root site collection level. You should see a status of Activated. Click Close. Click Close once again to exit the Configure Activation Settings page.

- Confirm the app activation by returning to the test list you created in the first part of this topic. Click the LIST tab, then confirm the K2 group and icons are there.
If you can see the K2 group and icons, congratulations! You have successfully configured the K2 Five for SharePoint app and it is now ready for use. If for some reason, you cannot see the K2 group or icons, review the steps in this topic to determine if you missed a step. From there, contact your SharePoint technical support team for assistance.
- Navigate back to your SharePoint site or subsite and open the K2 App Test list you created earlier. Click the LIST tab above the ribbon toolbar. Confirm there is now a K2 group that has Application, Report and Worklist icons displayed. The K2 app is now ready for use!

- Return to Step (4), Add the K2 Worklist web part and add the K2 Worklist web part to your site collection home page. After you add the K2 Worklist, you are ready to continue with this tutorial.
- How to update the app activation for new site collections. This step describes how to activate the K2 app for immediate use. During the K2 app deployment, you have the option for K2 to automatically apply the app to any new site collections. K2 schedules this "job" from a timer and depending on the settings, may not run for several minutes, or even hours. If you need to use the K2 app immediately in the new site collection, you can manually "push" the activation out to the site. From the Site Contents page, click the K2 app to launch the administration page. Under the Administration heading, click Activate Site Collection. The K2 app activates for the current site collection and is ready for use.
- After adding a new subsite or site collection, navigate to its Site Contents. Click the app to launch the K2 Five for SharePoint page.
If you do not see the K2 Five for SharePoint app in the Site Contents, the app is not deployed to the root site collection. Deploy the app first, then active it.
- Under the Administration heading, click Activate Site Collection.
You should see the activation processing screen. When complete, the app is ready for use. Remember, you must have site collection administrator permissions at a minimum to activate the app at the site collection level. You can also manually activate the app to a new subsite or site collection from the App Catalog. Follow the Activate steps for this scenario.
In this step, you confirmed the activation of the K2 for SharePoint app. You have registered, deployed and activated the app to your SharePoint site collection. K2 recommends deploying the app to the root site collection level with the All Paths option. Any site collections or subsites added will have the app available with out further intervention. You can also enable the auto-activation option, which enables the app to any new site collections or subsites. After confirming the app deployment and activation with your test list, you added the K2 Worklist web part to your site home page.