Troubleshoot DocuSign Integration

This section provides troubleshooting guides and information regarding issues for DocuSign (Legacy) and DocuSign Apps Launcher (DAL) versions of the DocuSign integration. It is recommended that you create a DocuSign developer account and developer environment for testing and troubleshooting purposes. This environment would allow Nintex DocGen and DocuSign to interact with each other and allow for you to test and troubleshoot any issues without affecting the production environment. Before troubleshooting specific issues, it is important to make sure that DocuSign has been set up to be integrated and authorized for use with Nintex DocGen.

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DocuSign Troubleshooting recommendations

In order to properly troubleshoot DocuSign issues, it is recommended to install any updates and perform any troubleshooting in sandbox or test environment before attempting to troubleshoot in a production environment. In order to properly test in a sandbox or text environment you will need create and set up a DocuSign Organization for your demo developer account. Refer to Create and setup a DocuSign Organization for your demo developer account.

Set up a DocuSign demo/ developer environment for use with Nintex DocGen

Before testing out something on your production environment, it is recommended to run some tests on a developer environment to avoid any interruptions to production or troubleshoot any issues that may occur.

  1. Ensure that the DocuSign demo account you have created is an admin of DocuSign. For more information, see You are not an organization admin. Please contact your DocuSign Administrator.

  2. Install the DocuSign app launcher.

  3. Ensure the URL endpoint is redirected properly.

  4. In DocuSign, click Settings > Apps and Keys and copy the App ID.

  5. In DocGen Admin, set up DocuSign using the App ID.

  6. When logging in to DocuSign, ensure you switch the environment from the Live environment to the developer environment.

Authorize a service account or individual users for OAuth - Individual Consent

DocuSign is deprecating its legacy authentication options, and requires a new method of authentication be used when configuring or sending out documents using the DocuSign delivery option. One of the available options is the OAuth - Individual Consent method that requires users to authorize a DocuSign account. This also includes packages set to work through Automation or for packages using the Autosend option.

In order to prevent automation and autosend from being interrupted, users who need to send out Document Packages need to have their account authorized to work with DocuSign. That means that in order for that account to continue being able to send out documents using automation, accessing Document Custom Fields, or using Mass, their account needs to show up as a connected account in their Connected Apps list in DocuSign.

There are two ways user's can authorize their account:

  • Admins can copy the URL at set up and send out the URL to each user to click on and authorize their account to work with DocuSign.
  • User's can click on the Authorize and Send to DocuSign button when generating a Document Package for the first time after OAuth - Individual Consent has been set up.

Authorization issues

When first setting up DocuSign through the integrations screen in Nintex DocGen, you may encounter an error when clicking the Authorize button.

Client ID provided is not registered with DocuSign

When clicking Authorize you receive this error:

Check to make sure you have the proper environment selected in your DocuSign integration options.

There are two options to select:

  • Live

  • Demo

This error occurs when you have the incorrect environment selected for the credentials that you are using.

You are not an organization admin. Please contact your DocuSign Administrator.

If you receive the following error then the most common cause is that a DocuSign Organization has not been set up within DocuSign, or that your account is not properly linked to the DocuSign Organization.

Follow these steps to troubleshoot:

  1. Open the DocuSign App Launcher (DAL).

  2. Make sure "DocuSign eSignature" is displayed in the top left of the screen.

  3. Click the Settings option.

  4. Click the dots icon next to DocuSign eSignature and ensure that the Admin option appears. If the Admin option does not appear, continue to Step 5. If Admin does appear, skip to Step 6.

  5. If Admin Tools has been purchased and is an active license on your DocuSign account, a message should appear in the Settings menu asking you to configure Admin Tools and set up an organization. Follow these steps to create a DocuSign Organization. If this set up option does not appear and you have Admin Tools purchased, you will need to contact your DocuSign admin or DocuSign support.

  6. Check to make sure an organization has been created. In the menu on the left select the Features option.

  7. In Features, click Organization Details.

  8. Organization ID, Organization Name, and Organization Details fields should all contain information.

  9. If a DocuSign Organization has already been set up, and you are still receiving the error, it most likely means that your account is not linked to the DocuSign Organization. For more information on how to add or link a user to a organization, see the DocuSign documentation.

There is a problem with your DocuSign credentials: One or both of Username and Password are invalid. A username was not specified.

If you receive an error stating that your DocuSign credentials are incorrect and that a username is not being specified the most likely cause of this issue is that the DocuSign Launcher has not been set up in the DocuSign Launcher tab.


In order to resolve this issue, the DocuSign Launcher must be configured in the DocuSign Launcher tab. Additionally you can log into a Demo environment to test the configuration by opening the Additional Options drop-down and selecting the Demo environment option.

Configuring Envelope Status to update when using a DocuSign delivery option in Salesforce Lightning

In order for Envelope Status to update properly when generating a document using DocuSign Apps Launcher (DAL) delivery option, there needs to be a DocuSign Envelopes record linked to a Salesforce record. The steps provided below will guide you through the setup of creating a DocuSign Envelope record. Once this record has been created the Envelope Status will know what the starting object was when creating the Document Package, and can update the Envelope Status accordingly.

Follow these steps to connect Salesforce to DocuSign:

  1. Download this DocGen DAL Connect Settings configuration file. This XML file contains the necessary configuration options to get Envelope Status to update in Salesforce Lightning.

    Note: If you receive a message warning you that this XML file could potentially harm your computer, you can click the Keep button to download this file. This is an XML provided by Nintex and does not contain any harmful or malicious software. This file is only for configuration purposes for Envelope Status in Salesforce.

  2. Open DocuSign.

  3. Make sure you have DocuSign eSignature displayed in the top left of the screen.

  4. Click the Settings option.

  5. In the Integrations section, select the Connect option.

  6. Once the Connect section loads you should see one or more row items appear depending on your setup and other integrations you have connected. Ensure that the Salesforce appears as a connected row item. If Salesforce displays, skip to step 7.

  7. If Salesforce is not displayed in this list, then it needs to be added as a configuration item and set to Active. For more information on how to add Salesforce as a connection, begin at step 3 on the DocuSign documentation page.

  8. Once Salesforce has been added, click the Actions menu and select the Upload option.

  9. In the Upload Configuration window, either left-mouse drag the XML file downloaded in Step 1 to the dialog window, or click Select File. Select the XML file downloaded from Step 1 and click Open.

  10. After uploading the XML file, click Ok. Once the process completes the page refreshes and you are returned to the Connected Apps screen.

  11. To confirm that the necessary configuration has been added, click the Actions menu and select the Edit option.

    1. In Connected Objects you should now see DocuSign Envelope with a Status set to Active.

    2. In Trigger Events all options under Envelope Events and Recipient Events should be selected.

Envelope Status should now appear inside of Nintex DocGen for any new packages sent out. Note that this is not going to act retroactively and will only show new packages and not any sent prior to Envelope Status being active.

OAuth - Individual Consent troubleshooting

An error has occurred. Error while requesting server, received a non successful HTTP code with response Body: {"error":"consent_required"}"

When a user attempts to run a DocuSign delivery option, they may encounter the above error. This error occurs when the DocuSign account the user used to authenticate their DocuSign delivery option does not match the DocuSign ID in the DocuSign Username field in Salesforce. To resolve this issue admins can confirm the DocuSign user ID for the user through the Users list in DocuSign.

How can a user check the DocuSign Username field?

  1. From any screen in Salesforce, click your Profile portrait.

  2. In the expanded menu, click the Settings link.

  3. In the Settings menu, under the My Personal Information section, click Advanced User Details.

  4. In the User Detail section click Edit.

  5. Locate the DocuSign Username field.

    If the DocuSign Username field does not show up in the Edit screen then the DocuSign Username field can be added to the User Page layout through the Object Manager in Salesforce.

    There are two fields to locate in the Fields and Relationships list:

    • dsfs_DSProSFUsername_c, or

    • dfsle_Username_c

    These two fields contain the User ID related to the Salesforce account the user is currently logged into, and be added to the Page Layout.

    Note: If you are using Chrome, you can also use the "Salesforce Inspector" plugin while on the User Details page to locate the two above fields and view the metadata attached to those fields without needing to add them to the Page Layout.

  6. Have an admin of DocuSign confirm the user's DocuSign User ID by checking the user in the Users list in DocuSign. For more information on how to view a user's DocuSign ID refer to the following DocuSign help article: View User Details.

  7. If the IDs match, then no further action is required. If the field is empty, or the ID does not match, then update the DocuSign Username field with the correct ID from DocuSign.

Additional troubleshooting resources

For additional troubleshooting resources in regards to DocuSign integration refer to the following community articles: