Tag an Excel document

You can add fields from a record in Salesforce to an Excel document using the Field Tagger in Nintex DocGen. In the example below it shows how to add an Account field to an Excel document so that the Company or Account name displays in the Excel document. Because this is a field inside of Salesforce, the data displayed is based on the record you have linked to the Document Package. For example, because an Account record is linked to this specific Document Package, options for adding Account related fields become available to the Excel document.

Use field tags A prefilled word block that DocGen selects for fields in your DocGen Package. The tag is a placeholder for the value being retrieved from Salesforce and it gets replaced with the relevant information when the document is generated. from the Field Tagger A tool that displays tags for your template based on the object you're working with and easily inserts the field tags into your templates for your DocGen Package. to tag your Microsoft Excel documents. You can copy and paste the field tags into your Excel document to create templates A document/file that can be added to a DocGen Package. Data can be filled into the document/file..

  1. Navigate to DocGen Packages and select the DocGen Package for which you want to edit a Microsoft Excel document.
  2. Open the Field Tagger and ensure that Excel/PDF Tags is selected.

  3. Navigate through your Field Tagger and copy the field tag you want to add to your document.

In Microsoft Excel:

  1. Select a cell and under the Formulas tab, select Name Manager.
  2. Click New and paste the field tag in the Name field.

  3. Click OK.
    Alternatively, paste the field tag into the cell's Name Box and press Enter.

Important: Do not paste the field tag directly into the cell or the formula bar, as it will be read as a text string rather than a field tag.